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"I've changed too much,"

I angrily muttered, half to myself and half to Kat. She sighed, and shook her head, as I kicked some gravel from in the cracks of the cobblestone.

"Don't be ridiculous, you're fine," Kat sighed again, and I continued to disagree. I definitely have changed, and I feel like I'm the only person in my life who has noticed. Not a physical change like my boobs getting bigger or my hair changing colour (which it does all the time and I intend to keep it that way) but in personality, wether its for better or for worse.

I've been feeling so much more anxious lately, with everyday life, which then that makes me angry particularly at myself and then it makes me angry towards other things and its turned into this whirlwind of anxiety and anger and the cycle just keeps going and going. Kat's one of the best people I know and I could never be angry at her, but lately I've been shutting myself out more, so she probably hasn't even noticed.

"Yeah, maybe I haven't changed that much. But I just keep having this cycle of emotions, and it's pissing me off. I blurted out, then shaking my head. We rounded a corner to the next street on the way to my house.

"Like what? What are you feeling?" She asked, looking at me with a genuine tone in her voice.

I sighed a million times eternally - this was one of those difficult things to speak about outloud.

"Like from being anxious to then getting angry at myself and then getting angry at other things and blah blah, but it's not important."

Kat laughed, and then patted me on the back.

She then sighed too.

"I think you've had stuff bottled up for a while and need to vent. Come on, lets get home and then we can do whatever we want and talk about shit okay?" I nodded, feeling a release of warm comforting energy into my body. Kat always had a way to make me feel better.

As we neared the front door, I scrambled around my black cat backpack for my key to the house.

A familiar voice came from far behind us, calling out something that seemed muffled. I found the key and then shoved it in the lock, turning my head as I opened the door.

It was Milton, the dreaded boy in my year from across the road, in the house directly opposite my own. He leant on the victorian wrought iron fence that outlined the small front yard of his terrace, with a smirk that meant trouble.

He repeated what he said.


Kat rolled her eyes and I stood my ground, a hand on my hip.

I shouted back to him across the road as Kat stiffled a giggle.

"What do you want Milton? You're minging!"

He tilted his head up, flicking his blonde wavy fringe out of his eyes. He crossed him arms to look more tough, full body in a power pose.

"I got a surprise for ya!" He hollered, in that dreadful cockney accent of his.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"If you come over here I'll show ya,"

I shook my head and laughed, turning back around to go inside.

"Tomorrow then maybe," he badgered.

Then he added,

"Ey Kat?" whilst pushing a hand through his very light blonde hair AGAIN (which we think is bleached but he claims its natural) in what seemed to be like an attempt to woo her.

My body froze for a moment, and I saw her eyes go wide.

Blegh, he still had that thing for Kat! I shook my head. What a tosser.

"It's been what, two years since you knocked him off and he's still trying? The poor boy should really move on!" I whispered to Kat, trying not to be rude infront of Milton even though he was a pest. He couldn't hear me, but still.

It was true though. Ever since I can remember, he's always had a crush on Kat & has always tried to act on it. But he could never quite get there - he'd either choke on his words or say something stupid like a lot of boys do.

He's not too bad I guess, but when you've been living across from him since you're a kid, it gets tiring after a while.

The things he does badgering me to come & kick a footy or teasing me as we walk home from school or attempting to rub his smelly armpits and/or muddy soccer uniform on me when we both walk back from practice (which mind you, he was never successful) and all that jazz, it makes you want to claw your eyes out & tear your hair out. I guess I can handle it boy controls my life. I showing sympathy? For Milton? Where as my cold heart gone?

"Go home Milton!" I hollered back at him, and he shook his head smirking.

Kat began to go ahead of me inside, as I continued to glare at Milton, but then I followed her. She stopped half way on the stairs, and sheepishly looked at me.

"He's gotten fitter lately, I might of changed my mind."

She giggled.

She what!?

"You what!?" I retorted, in complete surprise. As if she began to have a crush on Milton, of all people!

Still giggling, she ran up the stairs towards my room before I could say anymore.

I ran after her, willing to know more.

Authors note:

ok so I apologize sincerely because its pretty shitty & I'm a new writer & I hope I get better as it goes along so please hold in there :-))))

Any suggestions or feedback etc. would be so lovely!

Thankyou so much for reading this chapter!!!


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