Warm Souls

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The cold winter weather slowly crept through the window and seeped through to crevices of the house settling into every room as you and harry slept, the low humming of the furnace turning on woke harry from his peaceful slumber. He looked down softly, seeing you tucked under his arm cuddling up to his chest shivering.

He smiled at the sight and pulled you in closer kissing your head and humming in adoration as you began to awake, harry decided to pull your full body on top of his and pulled the duvet up to your chin which would be right below his pecks. Y/n groaned slightly at the movements before opening her eyes "what time his it" she muttered to harry who chuckled lightly at her groggy voice.

"Almost nine lovie" he whispered back, she hummed in acknowledgement "it's freezing in here" y/n complained in a light hearted-way wrapping her arms around harry's neck, "we can just stay in bed all day, i'll order take out and we can just cuddle, 's that sound hmm?" he smiled knowing damn well she was completely okay with that.

"Sounds amazing baby" her voice muffled against his soft warm skin, he wrapped his tattooed arms around your frame making sure you were close and warm. He then turned his head looking out the white curtains to see the white snow falling from the grey skies, "darling look, it's snowing" he smiled as her eyes lit up with joy watching the snow fall and melt on to their windows.

"It beginning to look a lot like christmas" harry said in a sing-song voice causing y/n to laugh and give him a slight tap on the shoulder. The soft cries of their baby girl soon came through their ears "i should probably go get her, she's probably hungry" y/n whispered getting up and slipping on her robe, and walked out of the room going to get our newborn.

A few minutes later y/n walked into their shared bedroom beautiful baby in her arms as she came back to the bed settling in before pulling out her breast to feed the wonderful human they'd made, harry watched in awe as his wife let out fun noises and encouraging words as she fed their baby. "I don't think i could ever be more grateful that my wife, the women i love most in this world can feed our child" harry smiled playing with his little girls hand that clung on to his pointer finger.

"Stop you're making me flustered" y/n laughed looking over at harry, "darling, you deserve all the praises in the world" harry smiled completely in love with the sight in front of him, "my life couldn't possibly get better".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 ⏰

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