A Wolf

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(Inspired by the song above and also MistraltheSkelegirl! Please follow this amazing person and friend!)

A lonely woman started out from her village, sneaking away to wander through the forest. She passed brambles and bushes, hoisting up her skirt as she scurried through the underbrush, thorns reaching out to snag at the dress and cling to the fabric.
Woodpeckers echoed through the woods, sunlight filtering through the canopy in green blushes of gold light, the scent of the wood heavy in the wild air.

She reached a golden clearing, the grass waving in the breeze like ocean waves in the wind, butterflies flitting about among the wildflowers, bees zipping by. She grinned, letting out a laugh into the air in a sweet melodious voice. The girl picked up her pace as she skipped through the grasses, laughing all the while as her dark brown tresses flew behind her like a banner.

The girl made it across the clearing, rabbits bouncing away as birds took to the air at her passing. As she passed into the shadows of the wood once more, the darkness gathered and her form changed. Under the blanket of shade, it shrank and started trotting on all fours, a fluffy tail swinging behind it as it gained a shaggy coat.
When the darkness peeled back, it revealed a wolf whose fur was the color of shadow itself, darker colors a deep, almost black shade of mahogany as it's brilliant purple eyes glittered in canine excitement, head low to the ground before it took off running.

The wolf raced through the trees, paws thudding on the leaf-strewn floor as the scent of the earth assailed it's nostrils, rich and intoxicating. It swept past the golden sunbeams and dashed between the trees, mushrooms releasing their heavy fragrance as the delicate scent of the flowers breezed by.
Her gleaming fur coat rippled with the power of her paws, leaving the human village far behind in a world of mediocrity.

Here, the wolf burst out into the open, into a world of magic and wonder as she ran across the gravel of a new village, a gnome banging a hammer over a scythe on an anvil pausing to wave at her. An elf backed away from her path as lightning bugs the size of a man's hand hummed around his face. A goblin grunted from his stall as he sold tanned hides to a travelling dwarf merchant. The wolf danced past it all, paws pounding on the gravel and kicking up the rocks behind her.
A wizard hesitated in crossing the street, humming in amusement at the playful wolf that shot past him, leaning on his staff to gaze after her shadowy form.

The she-wolf reentered the forest once again, panting with excitement as she continued on, the forest alive with fairies and nymphs, darting over and around her in bright streaks of light and color.

She exploded out of the trees and turned on her side, suddenly racing along the edge of a great cliff overlooking the endless green forest below, running in the direction of the distant beach, the shores made of smooth, blackened volcanic stones, weathered by the ceaseless pounding of the briny waves. She sped down the grassy ledge until it sloped downward, then at last leapt over the edge, falling for only a moment...

She landed on her feet, grinning wolfishly as she ran to the shores, the wild scent of the sea pungent in the air.
Soon enough she skidded around, spinning on the heels and turning to speed down the length of the blackened, briny beach, the waves roaring as they crashed in upon the surf.
Mermaids cried out at her sudden passing, jumping into the water. Walruses groaned at the small furry thing racing through their ranks, weaving between their enormous bodies. Seals barked as the she-wolf pattered past them, leaping clear across the river that poured straight into the ocean, droplets splashing as she nearly flew over the waters.

Now the wolf turned again, pounding as it chased it's dreams and unbounded hopes up the rising slope of a new cliff overlooking the sea, purple eyes gleaming joyously, in the love of the world she had been so blessed to be part of.
A thunder of dragons called out above her as they flew out to the open waters, their presence majestic as they bellowed, spewing flames out their maws as they called to one another, phoenixes weaving between them and shrieking themselves.

As the great beasts of the air fell behind, a herd of stampeding mustangs joined the lone wolf near the cliff edge, hooves thundering louder than the dragons as they flew over the land endlessly.

The wolf sped away from the stampede, hopping onto the boulders rising out of the grassy earth as she raced for the drop-off over the rolling waves now far below. She panted from the exertion of her harsh journey, purple eyes alight in fierce joy as she galloped for the ledge. It sped closer and closer and closer, until the wolf bounded off the final rock and into the sky...

. • ° . • ° . • °
A woman with hair the color of rich soil and eyes the color of the sea at sunset, a violet like that of plums, strode back into her small, simple village, smiling to herself knowingly.

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