Chapter 1

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Levi's P.O.V
I was just finishing up paper work when I first heard it. Water rushing in the pipes below the floor signifying someone was in the showers. I furrowed my brows. "Tch. Right before I go to bed." I sighed. I grabbed my latern of my desk and made my way out off my room. I made my way down the hall then down the stairs and towards the showers. I opened the door stepping in the humid room. I glanced around finding Eren standing underneath one of the heads letting the water roll over him, still wearing his boxers. "Oi the hell are you doing?" He simply stared in front off him with dull eyes. "Jeager." He didn't even move or making and indication he had heard me. How deep in thought was this kid. I set my lamp on the bench and walked in front of the shower careful not to get wet. Now up close I could see his brows we're furrowed and he stared with empty blank eyes. His eyes met mine finally and he stared for a moment until his brows unfurrowed and he gave a small smile. His eyes almost looked at me 'lovingly'
"You know your not supposed to be out of the basement this late." I crossed my arms. He only continued to stare at me. A few moments of silence passed until Eren stepped out of the water and towards me. I raised an eyebrow. 'The hell is wrong with him?' Suddenly Eren sank to his knees and wrapped his arms around my waist holding me tighly. "Oi! The hell do you think your-" I cut off when I heard small sobs come from the younger boy beneath me. "O-oi...Eren" I was confused. 'He have a nightmare or something?' Eren said nothing but continued to cry into my waist. I crouched down to his level and his head fell into my lap where he continued to sob. I placed a hand in his soaked hair combing through it. No words were said. For the next 30 minutes Erens muffled sobs filled the room. Until they didn't. Eren sat up from my lap and looked at me with a small smile. "I'm sorry captain." He chuckled. "What's wrong Eren?" He looked at me before cupping my face in his hands. "I'm not sure I've told you this but you have really beautiful eyes captian." I blinked at him. "I wonder if freedom had a color this would be it.." He mumbled almost to himself. I swore my heart stopped for a second. How the hell do you respond to that?! He smiled again and stood to turn of the still running shower. He glaced down at me again with a lovingly look. "Goodnight Captial Levi." And he left me there. On the floor. Half soaked with water, puzzled, and slightly flushed. I stood and went out to the hall. He was nowhere in sight. I made my way to the basement to demand answers only to find when I reached the bottom, Eren was sound asleep in his bed. I stared at the boy for what felt like hours. I finally left making my way back to my office. Now. Don't get me wrong. This isn't uncommon with Survey Coprs soilders. I always had a few who would cry themselves to sleep. Develop a small form of depression. Honestly it was to be expected. I'd always help of course. They spill out everything as soon as I would ask what was on their minds. They always felt better afterwards. It's not like I hate my subordinates. I really don't. I'm always here if they need me. But. Something about the empty look in Erens typically buring bright turquoise made my stoamch churn. He'd had a bad life. No doubt. But he was always so ambitious and so eager to start things he didn't even know he could finish. But he'd damn well try. Even if it killed him. He was reckless. 'Maybe it just got to him tonight. The reality of things.' That's what I told myself that entire night. But something in my gut told me that wasn't the case. I fell asleep with half soaked clothes and a worrying feeling in my chest.
~Next Day~
I woke up with the sun directly in my eyes. "Tch." I rolled over. Last night flooding through my mind and I furrowed my brows. "Its nothing Levi. He's fine. "
'What if he's not? And why do I care so much?' I groaned. I'd get an answer today. I slipped out of bed and changed clothes. I fixed my slight bedhead before making my way to the mess hall. As I entered I quickly scanned the room looking for Eren , B
but to no avail. He wasn't here. I stepped in the kitchen grabbing some sausage and bread, quickly poured some black tea and made my way to sit with Hanji and Erwin. "Goooooood moring Levi!" Haji chimmed. "Morning." I murmured taking a bite of my bread. "Levi you look troubled. Are you alright?" Erwing asked from my right. "Didn't sleep well. Im fine I just need tea." Hanji chuckled earning a glare from me. "Erens awfully late today...maybe I should wake him." Hanji stated. "He's fine. I told him to rest because he said he wasn't feeling well." I lied. 'Why did I do that?' Erwin looked at me worringly. "Is he ok?" I nodded. "Just a heada-" Just then the doors slammed open with Eren rushing through. "Ah good morning sorry I'm late." Eren laughed nervously. "Eren are you sure your feeling ok to be moving around?" Hanji asked worringly. He looked at her a little confused. "Levi said you weren't feeling well." For a moment I swear his eyes flickerd to mine. "Oh I'm alright I was just a small headache." He chuckled and went to the kitchen. "Kids tougher then he looks." Erwin smiled. "Indeed." Hanji agreed. We continued our meal in silence.

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