Lost Love

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Lost love is a Batman x Superman story, were Batman gets kidnapped and tortured by Lex Luther and other villains.

I am currently at the chapter were the League is trying to rescue him, but while they are fighting the villains, Joker had literally slit his throat. An that's were I left it at.

I'm planning on having Superman save Batman, but Bruce is nearly dead from blood loss and need a blood transfer, so I'm pretty sure Batman has saved blood just in case. So ya-

Also the reason Batman got captured is because Superman let his anger get the better of him, and attack Lex, leaving Batman when he was supposed to be watching Batmans back, so ya its kinda of his fault he got captured.

What im going to write

And once Bruce is starting to heal, Clark starts to doubt that he's the right guy for Bruce. Since it's his fault that he's basically on his death bed. An at that Dick Grayson aka Robin, is furious at Clark for pitting his anger above Bruce. Robin is also having some of the other hero's doubt Clark as well.

So Clark leaves Bruce to go to his Ice Palace or what ever it's called. He stays there for two day's, then returns to Bruce. Bruce on the other hand has gotten worse, so Clark is blaming himself for not helping.

Moral of the story

So this story is basically Clark failing Bruce over and over again. But I'm deciding if I should keep Bruce alive, and if I do have him forgive Clark or not.


So yeah that's basically the story. And if Bruce lives or dies, forgives Clark or not. Will decide what I do for book 2.

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