Chapter 1

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"Jax, he stole an entire shipment of guns from us! We need to find him and make him pay." Tig stated as the club sat around church discussing their current situation.

"'e couldn' 'ave done it alone. We need t' figure out who 'e's workin' wit." Chibs added his thoughts to the conversation.

"Juice...go find out everything you can find about him. Where he lives, where he works, what he drives, who he's related to, everything." Jax stared at the reaper carved into their chapel table.

"We need to find him soon, Prez." Happy stated earning a head nod from Bobby.

"Let Juice do his intel first. See if we can find something to use against him to extract the info we need from him first." Jax suggested.

"Aye." Chibs nodded.

"Your call, Prez." Bobby stated.

"Get to work on that intel, Juice. Everyone, let's get back to the shop. Work's piling up and Gemma's bitching." Jax stated making everyone laugh.

The group left the chapel and headed back to the auto mechanic shop. Juice headed to his room to fetch his laptop so he could do his duty. Jax was beyond pissed this guy had stolen a shipment of their guns. Despite trying to get away from the gun-running and into more legitimate money earning avenues, they still had a contract with the Irish to move guns until they could find a suitable replacement for themselves. Losing the shipment was bad news for all involved.

Juice hacked and hacked. The truck Unser used had an on-board dash cam so he hacked into that to see what he might be able to spot. He found the incident that made the truck stop and watched as one guy with a large gun made the driver exit the truck. Little by little, the one guy unloaded their truck of as much of their guns as he could carry in his vehicle. Juice wrote down the license plate number so he could hack into the DMV. He found an address, what he drove, his name, and the guy's photo. He printed off all information before walking out to show Jax.

"Good job, Juice." Jax told the IO.

He called for Tig, Happy, and Chibs to head over to the guy's house. Happy was already planning in his head how he was going to extract information from the guy as they road through Charming and out to where the address was. No one stole from the Son's and got away with it. The house was off a main road making Tig worry some about what they were going to find when they got there.

A red Nissan Frontier was sitting in the driveway when they pulled to a stop. Each turned off his bike and slowly climbed off. Looking at his brothers, Jax finally made his way to the front door. Perhaps Juice's intel had been wrong and they were about to invade some innocent person's home. Taking a deep breath, he turned the knob and found the house unlocked. He carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The house didn't look like a bachelor lived there. It was clean and nicely decorated. Jax whispered for the other three to go through the house and see what they could find out. Pictures were on the walls of the guy they were looking for with several other people. Jax walked down to the master bedroom as Tig and Chibs were looking into the other two bedrooms of the modest home. Jax opened the door and stopped in his tracks.

There was a beautiful woman sitting on the bed, headphones over her ears, looking through some books with a notebook out next to her. Happy walked down the hall to see what Jax was staring at. "Who's that?" Happy asked making Jax shrug and reply he didn't know. Tig and Chibs convened with the other two and said the guy definitely lived there but they hadn't found him. Tig asked who the girl was as he eyed her up. Jax still didn't know who she was.

The blond biker leader finally walked and took the headphones off her head making her scream in fright. She looked up and found the four bikers watching her every move. Rolling her eyes with a sigh she knew her cousin had done something incredibly stupid to have some motorcycle gang coming to her home.

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