What You Missed While You Were Sick

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By nine a.m. ninety-nine percent of the student body had heard the news: Annabeth Chase and Piper McLean had been caught making out backstage of the musical after school.

If you didn't know who Annabeth and Piper were (if so, you were clearly the most dense person at school) you now did and if you didn't care, you told other people anyway because it was fun. It was really impressive that the whole school didn't know, considering how small it is, only two hundred fifty kids in the whole high school.

Anyway, that's beside the point.

The point is that Hazel Levesque tried really hard to stop the other underclassmen from going back there. Hazel's best efforts, however, did not stop Lou Ellen, Cecil, and Will from going backstage.

Now, there are a few different versions of what exactly happened when the three sophomores walked in, but the specifics aren't too important. What is important is that they saw Piper and Annabeth kissing and were either kicked out, left, or continued on with their duties ignoring them for the time being.

Whatever they did, Will told Nico who told Jason and Reyna and they didn't tell anybody but they laughed a ton. Cecil told a good chunk of the school, nobody actually knows who he told first though, and Lou Ellen told few people, but they spread the word.

It could have been contained if Drew Tanaka wasn't a part of the musical. But once word got to her, mere minutes after the initial telling, there was no stopping word from spreading. In fact, by the time Annabeth and Piper were aware that they were the talk of the musical, everyone already knew.

And now? Well, now Annabeth and Piper are being the most annoyingly cute couple there is. It's disgusting, they're going around holding hands and kissing in the courtyard. And they're all happy and smiling like idiots. (Apparently some kids had to be convinced not to put it as the front page of the school newspaper today.)

When did I find out? Last night over text from Bobby who heard it from Dakota.

Why does it matter? It really isn't the point of my story.

I just wanted to tell you cause in a few days nobody is going to care, but for now they do, so if you get better before then, this is your warning. And if you come back and see Piper and Annabeth being the grossest couple ever that's how it happened.

Of course I have your homework, it's due whenever you come back.


A/N: Thanks for reading! I haven't gotten the chance to say this here but the Tower of Nero is awesome and you should go read it along with the rest of Trials of Apollo.

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