Chapter 1

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Rhys said we were teleporting to Deamose... but from what the guys have told me, this place is NOTHING like Deamose. They said that Deamose was always over 30 degrees, but it seems like 20 degrees right now... They said that Deamose was mostly red and purple, but the I only see purple, and even then, the only purple I see is in a single violet coloured flower... Their description is nothing like what I see before me. I look around and realize that all the guys are still asleep, so I go around and scream in each of their ears like a kind friend. "Where are we?" I ask when they're all awake, they all shrug. "Not Deamose..." Rhys answers. Just then, I hear the rustling of a bush behind me, I look back and a strangely dressed, blue-haired man appears, maybe he's cosplaying? He runs at us holding two katana's, one in each hand. Just before the man stabs me, Leif jumps infront of me and uses his swards to deflect the blow. The man jumps back when he sees Leif, "Why are you hear? Why are you in the forest? Were are you from? What are you?" the man asks, he doesn't show any emotion. "We don't know why we're hear but we are from Falcon Claw... I'm Ava, by the way." I answer politly, the man doesn't look impressed. "Stop lying! I said where are you from!? Why do you sound exactly like Lady Aphmau!? Are you trying to impersonate her so you can kidnap the little Lady Alina!? If so, you have failed! Lady Aphmau's eyes and caramel, not pink, and her hair is raven, not purple!" he says, he looks angry. "I'm confused so I'm just going to tell you HOW we got hear. We were trying to get to the home dimention of my friends, the guys behind me, the dimention is called Demose. We most have gotten lost in the void because none of them know where we are... Also, who are Lady Aphmau and Lady Alina? Why did you say 'the little Lady Alina' and not just Lady Alina? Why are you saying Lady before everyone's names? What's your name? What are you cosplaying? Is it a character from an anime that I've never seen? Is that a wig, or did you dye your hair?" I say, the guy backs away from me... he looks scared and he puts his hand up to silence me. He turns around and slowly walks towards a bush with his katanas raised in a fighting position. That's when I realise, the bush is moving. He stops and puts his katanas away and thats when I realize... he's laughing! "Really kids? Why are you spying on me?" he asks in a tone that would suggest he was talking to his kids. Then, two kids come out of the bush, they both have blue hair, the boy has the same shade of blue as the blue-haired man, but the girl has hair that is pastel blue, the girl with pastel blue hair also has cat ears... this is wierd.(Ok, rant time! Why doesn't Dante question the fact that Necoett has LIGHT blue hair? He has dark blue hair and KC has pink hair, so this doesn't make sence geneticaly. Bassed on the hair colours of all the people I know and the hair colours of their parents, your hair is ether the same colour as your parents hair, or a mix of your parents hair. Going with this logic, if Necoett's parents are TRUELY Dante and KC, then her hair can be dark blue, pastel purple, pastel pink, indego, violet, fusha, dark purple, purple or magents. You may realise that none of the colours that I have listed are pastel blue! Don't tell me that she gets it from her grandparents, because we know what Dante's mom looks like and her hair is slightly lighter that Dante's, also, we know Dante's dad had black hair cause Gene has black hair and, like I said, Dante's hair is slightly darker than his mom's hair. If you take all of these things into consideration, and the fact that it is a known fact that Dimitri is about a month older than Necoett, give or take a few weeks, then their are only a couple of logical explinations and NONE of them include both of Necoett's parents being KC and Dante. Also, before I say the things, we know that, somehow, the baby that KC was pregnant with when Nichole came back and found Dante and KC during the 15 years has some how disapeared, most likely died. The first explination is that KC had an affair with a person with pastel blue hair and didn't tell Dante and never did. The second option is that after their child died or went missing, the addopted a child who was a mif'wa. The third and final option is that Dante had an affair with a mif'wa with pastel blue or wight hair and KC knows but for some reason the mother gave Dante the child, probably not but deffinitly a posibility. The only way I can only see the last one happening is if the mother died. Personaly, I like the second one the best, and it also seams the most likely, unless KC had an affair with a mif'wa with pastel blue or wight hair, who also had white ears, because don't forget, Necoett's ears are wight and KC's ears are black. The reason I think the second is more likely than the first is because I can't imagine KC having an affair, also, I don't think it's the last one because all Dante wants in MCD is a stable family, one that is loving and caring, I don't think he would risk that by having an affair. I say that, but Danchole is a ship that I ship so... mabey the third one is valid? I also think that there would need to be a specific chain of events that would be nessisary in order for it to be vallid. First, ether Dante would have had to leave Phoenix Drop, or some new Mif'wa who we have never heard of came to Phoenix Drop, we know nether of these things happen so this is automaticaly invalid but I'm gonna continue anyways. Second, Necoett's mom would have ether abandoned her or died. Third, all of Necoett's mother's family would have to ether be dead, or also have abandoned her. Fourth, they would have to find Dante in Phoenix Drop, which at the time, they thought was a run-down village with nobody their at all so, logicaly, they wouldn't look there. And there you have it! Necoett was addopted by KC and Dante and there is nothing you can say to change my mind. Also, if you are saying that mabye KC got pregnant before she got with Dante, do you really think KC, the sweetest and most innocent girl in MCD, other than the kids, would willingly do that? Like, just no. Ok, I'm done now, carry on)Mabye they are his kids! "Sorry dad..." the boy says, the girl nods her head, "Sorry papa..." she says. I guess they are his kids then. "It's fine, can you two go home? I'm in the middle of something." the man says, the kids run off into the forest. "Where are they going?" I ask, big mistake. "Why do you want to know?" the man asks, he doesn't look as threatening, but he is still armed. "I don't know, I'm just curiouse. You told them to go home and they ran deeper into the forest. Wouldn't you be curious if two children ran into a forest with no adult to acompany them? Also, you, who I presume to be the father of the children, are just going to let it happen? It's not normal!" I say, the man looks confused. "If Sir Garroth was here... I would call him... but he isn't... Why did you have to show up when we are at our most vaulnerable?" the man says, he looks stressed out, then I realized, he said 'sir' infront of someone's name. "Why did you just call him 'sir?' Is he a teacher? A profeser? I'm so confused!" I say, the lean on a tree and stare at the sky. "Sir Garroth is a guard, more specificaly, he is Lady Aphmau's personal guard. I am Sir Dante, head guard of the city of Phoenix Drop." says the man who I now know as sir Dante. "Anyway, moving on. So, do you have any idea as to how we can get back to our dimension?" I ask. "I don't have a single clue, but Lucinda could probably help you out. I will take you to her, but first, can your friends please hide their horns? I don't want people to judge them like how the judge Travis." the man starts to walk away and all of the deamose hide their horns. We fallow Dante in the direction his kids went and go deaper into the forest...

I really think I should get a rant book... but anyway! I am actually posting for once and not writing half a book, then deleating it, then rewriting it with different plot points but the same story! Aren't you proud of me? I know right!

That was wierd... Ok bye!

My Inner Demons x Minecraft Diaries (Aphmau Crossover Thing)(Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now