An Invite to Vidcon 2018

21 1 0

September 15th 2018
Kristen's POV
"And that's is all I have for you my beautiful ladies, if you liked this video you know exactly what to do. Hit that subscribe button and like the bell for post notifications and I'll see you guys in the next video. Have a heavenly day my pretties and stay beautiful!" I said to the camera as I did my outro.

I clicked the camera off and downloaded to be video to my computer and started editing. As soon as I was finished, I uploaded it and watched as the views, likes and subscribers came in. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Kristen Bella Fischbach. Does the last name sound familiar? It should since I am in fact Markilplier's little sister. I'm 21 years old and I'm a huge deal on YouTube considering I'm a influencer. An inspirational influencer. I help motivate young and older girls into showing them that they are worth something to the world.

I'm the voice for the voiceless. A lot of young girls look up to me being and inspiration to them and comments like "I wanna be just like you" or "you're so inspiring". And it fills my heart that kids wanna be just like me.

Someone who fights battles and keeps their head up high. I have over 36 billon subscribers and they all love that I'm dedicated to both my YouTube career and other important things.

I live in my own apartment since living with Mark was a low key pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong. I love my brother more than anything but I swear he can get annoying. As all siblings do. You know the feeling.

As I was watching back on my videos, I got in email that was in my inbox and I decided to check it out. It was an invite to this years Vidcon! Oh hell yeah! I've been looking forward to this. I wasn't able to go last year cause I didn't hit my peak. YouTube wise. But now that I'm one of the most popular and inspirational female influencers in the world, of course I'm getting invited.

Suddenly my phone went off ringing and I picked it up to see it was Mark.

"Hey big bro what's up?" I said to him.

"Did you get an email about Vidcon?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm looking at it now" I said.

"Are you as siked as I am right now" he asked.

"Hells yeah! I've been looking forward to this for the longest time" I said smiling from ear to ear.

I couldn't be more excited.

"Well better get packing cause we leave tomorrow at 10 in the morning" he said as I heard ruckus in the back.

He's probably getting his suitcase out.

"Alright will do. What time are you picking me up?" I asked as I put my phone on speaker and started packing.

"9 am sharp. I'll make sure to have the car heated and your Starbucks coffee in the car for you along with your neck pillow, meds and breakfast bagel with cream cheese ready" he said.

I smiled to myself. This is why I love my brother. Even though he can be annoying sometimes, he always cares for me and makes sure I'm satisfied. Not to mention he goes out of his way to get me breakfast and Starbucks.

Note to all sisters. Get a brother that'll go out of his way to get your Starbucks. You'll be thankful as hell.

"Thanks Mark, you're a literal hero" I said smiling.

"Anything for the sisters needs" he said chuckling a bit.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow morning then" I said.

"Sure thing. Also make sure you have a sweatshirt. It'll be freezing tomorrow morning" he said before he hung up.

It's September and the lovely fall air is getting here fast. It's 44 degrees as I speak and thank goodness for heating. As soon as I was done packing, I made myself dinner. I'm not talking some basic ramen in a cup type shit.

I'm talking culinary Gordon Ramsey shit. That's right ladies and gentlemen. Your girl, Kristen Bella Fischbach can cook like a pro. Gordon Ramsey could never. Bobby Flay is shaking right now. I made some Korean barbecue beef with rice and chopped onions.

Soon as I was finished and ate my food, I took a nice shower and got ready for bed.

I decided to post something for Instagram since why the fuck not? I took a picture of myself in my body mirror and captioned:

@therealkristen Going to Vidcon 2018 this year my pretties! I'm so excited to see all my lovely ladies and fans there. Rip to me waking up early ash tomorrow ✌🏼😩💜
Soon as I posted it, I plugged in my phone and was out like a light. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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