chapter: three confession

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       Hi everyone its been a while since i've updated but this person @aiwawa_mood gave me the motivation i needed. Go follow them! Vote,comment and hope you enjoy this story. I am thinking of writing a naruto fan book and wondering what you all think about that lets get started! OwO    
                Miodryia's POV:
"I-I love you!" Todoroki shouted. I dropped my knife and backed away, he looked stright into my eyes. "I-i love you Miodryia, your so sweet and funny and it pained my when you became a villian." I-I love you two todoroki-kun..."i said as we gazed into each other's eyes."but-but i can't!" I shouted in anger i punched the wall leaving a midium hole."the past is the past!" I shouted. "Miodryia, i'll do anything to make you happy, please..." todoroki pleaded in a soft,comforting tone. I relised then and now i really did love him.

                     Todoroki POV
After those words i said he looked calmed down he walked up to me his green,emerald eyes glistening with happiness. I haven't seen that look in a while there normally cold and dull and filled with hate. He came behind me i flinched. Hopefully he wouldn't knock me out right? But to my surprise he untied me. This is good i've got to keep him like this till they came.
                    Miodryia POV
I collected my thoughts as i walked towards him i've never felt so calm and happy in a long time. I walked behind him he flinched, thinking i might hurt him the thought of it hurts my heart..i want to make todoroki happy. I riped off the duct tape and and walked facing him. "D-do u really mean it t-todoroki-kun?" I stuttered. "Yes miodryia, i really do." He smiled. His smiles are so cute that they need to be protected."what did you say miodryia?" questioned todoroki. "Uhhh- nothing todoroki-kun!" I stammered nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. Todoroki stood up and gave me a smirk. "10 minutes ago you where acting all big and bad now your just an adorable little broccoli." Todoroki teased. "Hey! I can act all 'big and bad'!" Smirked deku. Todoroki kun smiled warmlywent behind midoryia  and wrapped his arms around the freckled boy. "Uh-h Todoroki-kun what are yo- "shhh." Wispred Todoroki. Midoryia checks became a light pink as he blushed. "Todoroki-kun can i show u up to my room?" Asked Midoryia. "Sure thing broccoli." Smirked Todoroki. (Smut smut, sorry ingore mah dirty mind
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) heheh) the two love birds holded each other's hands and walked through the eri hallway to deku's room.

I know this is short but the next part is gonna be so cuteee UwU hope you all liked this chapter thank you for 33 reads thats really good! Have a nice day/night byeee

Athur-chan has left~

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