Lovely dead on date !

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    The weather was perfectly fine and pleasant and the melodious song you were hearing through your headphone adds more to the pleasantness and serenity of the roads as you were looking out of the window of your boyfriend's car.You stole a glance at him and you saw his serious face focusing on the drive which you really can't get it because the road was rather empty due to the pandemic.So you decided to ask him and as you took your headphone,your once a calm ear was hit by a sudden burst of pop music which was rather annoying.
   You asked yourself,"Who the hell hears this kind of songs in date?"

You just ignore it and poke your boyfriend Bright as you know that he won't be hearing you even if you called him because of that crazy music.Just then he turn to you and put his eyebrows up.
You:P'bright khap,can you please turn of the music first please?

   He gave you a smirk and put it off.
Finally your ear was at ease and you gave out a loud sigh which make him to laugh slightly.
Bright:Why? Don't you like the song?
You:Honestly,it was a bit not okay,phi'
Bright:So you still like calm genre then?
You:Yes khap.By the way phi' is anything bothering you?
Bright:(Turns at you while driving and look away)Well why ?Why do you think so?
You:You are looking kinda off today.If anythi....
Bright:(cutting off your words)Then would you mind turning me on now?
You:Huh? What do you even mean by that,phi?(fake laugh )
*You were literally dying inside but you just pretend innocent*

Bright didn't respond anything but just kept on driving with the most sexy smirk you had ever seen on his face.He sure is upto some dirty thoughts and you that for sure.There was a pin drop silence until you reach the hillside.

He then went out and opened the door for you and smiled.As you went down ,as expected there was not much people except some couple coming to date about like both of you.It was a so peaceful and calming and the gentle breeze was blowing gently and everything was so sweet and you really love it.And the sight of your handsome boyfriend makes everything look super nicer and sweeter too.His sexy eyes through his hair makes you super crazy for him.You still couldn't get over your boyfriend although it's been a year already since both of you are in relationship.He's still seem to be your cool highschool crush till now.Just then he turn to you and asked quite concerned.
Bright:Are you okay ,y/n?

Just then you were a bit startled and answered himYou: Yes phi

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Just then you were a bit startled and answered him
You: Yes phi.
Bright:Okay good then come let's reach up there ,I need to show you something.

He then hold your hand and intertwined and began walking .As you were walking you slip on a rock and lose your balance but your boyfriend hold you luckily you didn't fall .
Bright: Why?Are you nervous?
You:Huh?Nervous for what,phi?
Bright:For coming to these lonely forests with a man?
You:But you're not a man,phi
Just then bright turn and looked at you quite disturb
Bright:Iam not a man?
You:(laughs slightly)No no phi what I mean to tell you is that you are not just a man ,you're someone I can be comfortable with.So I don't feel insecure or anything with you.
Bright:Huh?But you are not suppose to feel that way about me.
Iam dissapointed y/n(kidding way)
  Even though he was just kidding ,you could still see some sadness or truth in his eyes which avoided yours .
You two kept on walking and you finally reach the spot,it was turning dark but the place was lit with beautiful lamps .It was really romantic and sweet you admit.

You: Phi' bright this is just so beautiful

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You: Phi' bright this is just so beautiful.Thank you krab.
Bright:So do you like it?
You: Yes krab(and gave him a smile)
  Then he move closer to you decreasing the space between your faces and he wraps his manly hands full of veins around you,one at your nape and the other on your tiny face and bend his head down and gave you a peak.
Then he pull himself up and then whispers in your ear
Bright:Now do you still not feel insecure coming to this lonely forest with a man ?
   And he bit your ears lightly and kiss it.This sends shivers down your spines but you really like this side of his too.Then he bend again and lock your lips with his and kissed you passionately and tried involving his hot and wet tongue searching for its territory which makes you to escape a light moan which makes him to turn on .So he bite your lower lip and whispers
"This is your punishment for feeling way to comfortable with me."
He kept on still biting it and sucking it .You know that it might be bleeding already by now but you really enjoy this although your heart his beating like crazy.
He then pull himself and grab your waist towards him and said"I love you,y/n .Will stay with me forever?"
You smiled back and said"Cheesy enough.I can't even look at you ,phi"(smiles internally)
Bright:(still holding your waist)Why?Is it because you want another one huh?
Sniffs your nape and whispers"huh?tell me"
Still you didn't reply so he did the same again and over again.
Finally you gave up,"wait phi' wait"(laughing~~)
Bright:So?(smiles sweetly?
You:(gave him a peck on his cheek)
I love you too.And I'll stay with you forever.
Bright:(smiles sweetly and pat your head)Sweet.
You were literally dead with sudden heart throbs but you still love and will cherished this hillside romantic date with your boyfriend Bright.

     That was how your first kiss was gone with your boyfriend in a very romantic lonely hillside and wait,this is just the beginning read the next chapter for more of this😉

Anyway stay safe and strong guys.Love y'all and thank you for choosing my story❤


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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