A Struggle For True Love And Trust

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Part 1

Dylan Moreland couldn't believe it, she lost Helena again and this time it wasn't Danny's fault, no, it was Jenny's fault. She stood on the beach with bowed shoulders, looking down at the sea, the sun was slowly setting and reflected on the water. She sighed and at some point turned around and ran to her car. No idea where, she drove back to the house of her friends. Heartbroken, she drove to her, where she fell crying on the bed.

"You have what? Oh God Helena, I'm so sorry .." Tina took her friend in her arms and just held her tight. "I can't trust her Tina .. How am I supposed to do that after all?" Helena sighed and let the tears run free, she enjoyed the proximity of the blonde and looked at her "how did you manage to trust Bette again?" Tina looked at the floor "it took a while but I love Bette very much and you do the same with Dylan, you love each other and should fight for each other .." Helena just looked at her for a while and said nothing. Instead, she fought back her tears and nodded bravely, then at some point said "do you think it was a mistake?" she asked the blonde and shortly afterwards she replied "Well, if you really love her, you should fight to trust her." Tina smiled slightly and wiped the tears from the brunette's face. "Tina right Helena .. You should fight for Dylan and give her the chance that you can trust her at some point." Alice joined them and sat down next to them at the table. "You're right .. I'll call you right away." Helena jumped up to go to the office of her café, she wanted to call Dylan immediately before they went to the Shebar with her friends. She typed Dylan's number on the keyboard and felt herself trembling, she was so nervous and then came the voice that attracted her so much, so loved her. "Helena?" she asked amazed and totally surprised. "Can we meet again and talk? I think the breakup was a mistake .." Helena heard Dylan sigh with relief. "I'm in the car right now, where are you?" asked the other and Helena replied "in the planet. Come over and we'll sit down." Dylan agreed and both women hung up, nervously she left the office and ran back to her friends who were now joined by Shane, Bette and Max. Kit came towards her and looked at her sympathetically, "We'll meet in a minute Kit .. She's coming here and then we'll talk again .. I'm so nervous." Kit smiled slightly "you can do it. You two belong together and you know that too." said Bette's sister and shortly afterwards she came to the planet, Dylan ...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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