Chapter three

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*Beeb *beeb 

"Shit" waking up was never a good skill of me. I almost wanted to go out of bed but then I realized I still had holidays. I putted the TV on and stayed in bed. While doing this I thought back to my mini-depression I had a few days ago. I sometimes have these but I get over them with my scientific-psychological-method: watch silly comedies and eat ice-cream.

It Christmas tonight and I've everything done already so I layed back a bit for the rest of the day.

"who's there?" " it's me, Richard" "oh! welcome! come in!". Why does Steve has this security system? Its cinda stupid. Like someone tries to kill him. But yea, everybody his thing right? I parked my car on his lane and went out. I have the key so I didn't have to knock on the door. I went in and shouted "Steve I'm here!". Not long after that I heard rumble on the stairs and there he was, good old Steve. "welcome son glad your here".

We walked to the dining room. I saw three plates on the table nicely decorated and stuff. "what do we eat tonight?" I asked Steve. "tonight we will eat rabbit with potatoes" was his happy answer. I've only ate rabbit ones in my life and I really liked it that time so now om already looking forward to it, this is going to be a good night.

*beeb *beeb


I woke up and hitted my alarm clock, only to find out it wasn't making nose. I looked at the time and saw that it was 2 o'clock in the night. "why do they have to bleeb me up now?" I said out loud. I quickly dressed and went to my bike. Meanwhile I thought about a Christmas a few days ago. It was really nice and Steve cooked really good but Angelina stared at me for like the whole night! The both knew exactly what to buy for me: Steve had a sports car calendar and Angelina a car model. Now I think back its a bit straing: how did Angelina knew that I like cars? hmm... she probably asked Steve or Markus. I figured out.

I arrived at the office as second: captain Smith was already there (of course) "what are we dealing with today?" I asked him. "We have to help our colleagues". "Who? The suits?" "Nah, not this time boy, a few detectives need some help on a case" . Detectives? That could be interesting I thought.

"Ok men, I want you all to meet detective Williams and detective Beckett". we where in the briefing room, the whole team was here. In front of me stood a woman of In think 20 years old and about my lenght. She had dark hair and she wore it loose. She was dressed in normal clothes that you would wear every day. The man next to her was a bit smaller than me and he made me think of a businessman because of the way he was dressed. He wore a blouse with a tie and jean."Hi, I'm detective Beckett" the woman said in an polite voice. She was behaving like I would kill her for saying something wrong. I know SWATT stands for 'special weapons and tactics team' and it sounds dangerous but we won't kill civilians. "and I am detective Williams" an informal and professional voice said. I had trailed of a bit but I was back before anyone noticed.

"We are here today because we've found a clue on a case" the woman started of. She was obviusly in charge of this case. "first we'll tell you something about the case, there have been multipel disappearing. Around one person disappears per week. we didn't see a connection at first sighed. But we found a very strainge one: every one of them was attacked by dogs and where just dismissed out of the hospital. We tracked some of them down and found out the kidnappers go to the same save-house every time. Today you will go to that save house and take all of the people in custody. Your captain will inform you with the further information". She sat down again. I thought a bit about the case and I found it like the worst clue to use, but hey, the do their job and I do mine. "Don't you think that that clue is a bit to far-fetched?" Markus whispered in my ear. "yeah but its not our job to find those things out" was my already thought of answer.

Captain Smith stood up and walked to the front "the mission objective is to take everyone in custody so don't shoot unless provoked". It was clear why he said that because team blue had lose hands sometimes. Luckily I don't have to work with them very often. I'm team red together with Markus we mostly coöperate with team green. "The save-house has two doors: a front door and a back door." Smith continued. "Team blue and yellow take the backdoor by sneaking through the woods. team red and team green take the front door." "great, now we have to do the dirty work" I heard in my ear and without looking I knew it was Markus. Meanwhile Smith continued: "team orange and team white are backup. Team red and green will drive a SUV through the gates, then the breach the door and go in. at the same time blue and yellow move in too. You will clear all the chambers one by one and as I said before you take them all in custody. The backup teams will stand out of sight also in a SUV.

On the way to the save-house I talked a bit too Markus. We didn't had to drive but we had to breach the door (which was Markus favourite activity) that's why he wore a shotgun. Team green had normal sub-machine guns but I (since I was the squads sniper) had my own heavily modified hybrid machine gun. Every year I bought something new for it and it had almost everything you can possibly have on a gun. "this is a really big mission you know" Markus mentioned. "Yes, and that for such a stupid clue" I said back. "Ok guys everyone is in position" I hear over my earpiece radio. "here we go!" Smith said who was with team blue. We drove off, In front of is came a big old house clear. We drove through the fence and the mission began.

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