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So... basically I'm making an animatic for the LUMOS roleplay. I'll be using the song "Ready As I'll Ever Be", which is a lot easier than most of the songs I had on my list of possibilities.

The animatic will be set during chapter 7 of Year One of the roleplay. It is going to follow a Booth Corruption Arc AU based on some of the stuff we saw concerning his growing interest in the Dark Arts and other stuff that I'm really too tired to bother typing out.

Booth will be occupying Varian's role as the main antagonist of the animatic, but I won't tell you where the others will be until later. I'll hopefully have most of the main cast, though some might become background characters (sorry!).

I'll post stuff like screenshots of the actual animatic frames, as well as some handwritten notes and the like.

Stay tuned!

LUMOS Roleplay AnimaticWhere stories live. Discover now