Love Can Be Lovély...

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Isn't it amazing,
How lovely love can be,
Though not to me,

I'd rather be alone,
Listening to the same sad song,
Thinking and knowing I've done wrong,
By promising those who've loved me gone.
That I won't be here for long.

See because I've fallen again,
But how am I to feel confident,
When I tell a friend,
They joke & all of a sudden I'm simp'n.
Whatever, that's just how it's been,
Everyone becomes a comedian,
Joking at loves burden.

As if loves a sin,
How lovely love can be.
How it's supposed to set you free,
Sadly I just don't agree.

Who's to say loves a guarantee,
But that's just it, it's not.
That's what make love so lovely,
It's uncertainty.
But one thing is to be certain,
Love can be lovély.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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