Beautiful stranger.

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michael was awoken by the noise of his alarm clock. He didn't want to get up but then his father jeff yelled at him because he had to go work at the strip club. michael throws his long greasy hair into a messy bun and gets out of bed. He walks downstairs to the kitchen where his mother, ellie, great him with "Go make us money thats all youre good for" while rolling her eyes. Then his brother amir threw up. "See, even your little brother thinks you're ugly. That's why he gets airpods and you dont" said Jeff.
michael storms out of the house, hes always hated his little brother amir because of how much more handsome he was.  As he's walking down to the strip club he think to himself "i hope i get to shake my fat jfk lookin ass today" he finally arrives and greets his coworkers, aimee the horny hairbrush hoe, mansur the big titty man, and josip the sloppy toppy king, "hey guys are you ready for some ass" mansur looks at him with a disgusted look "shut up michael your ass may be fat but youre greasy so no one likes you" the other strippers laugh as michael looks down and walks to the dressing room the get ready with tears in his eyes. Amir is waiting for him while looking at his beautiful reflection in the mirror. "Dont let the attention get to your head michael, no one who slaps your ass in this dump really cares about you. Me on the other hand, I'm americas next top model and everyone is horny for me. Unfortunately for them, im in a committed relationship with Venom."
michael says "amir how the fuck did you get here i literally just left you at the house"
"Never underestimate me, Michael. I'm a big name and I can go anywhere I want. You're lucky you even get to breathe the same air as me. Although I'd rather you not, I'm only in Canada to help these fucking needy ass homeless people." michael gives his brother a confused look "but why are you here shouldnt you be at the homeless shelter?" amir chuckles "i dong ACTUALLY care about those dirty mother fuckers this one bitch keeps peeing on everything." michael sighs in disappointment in his little brother as amir walks away and says "im going to go makeout with my sexy boyfriend venom." michael scoffs he wish he had a sexy boyfriend to makeout with, Michael walks out to his stage and stares at the pole he dreads because it hurts his knees and walks towards it, its show time.  He begins to swing towards the crowd making sure they get a view of his voluptuous fat jfk ass, as he slides down and seductively looks at the crowd and sees his brother amir sitting with a rather creeply looking man and thinks to himself "i thought he was with venom?" he brushes it off and continues to dance, he shakes his fat ass a few more times before looking back over to where amir was and sees them walking out together, he got a bad feeling and chased after them "Amir wait!"
amir turns to look at michael "ugh what do you want you greasy whore" Michael makes a disgusted face and asks "where do you think youre going with this man" amir scoffs "he said hed pay to get me out of this shithole dirty homeless town if i showed him some cheeks" michael gasps shocked at what hes hearing "whatever your name is, is that true" the older man looks to michael "kenneth, danny kenneth and yeah got love for kids" michael begins to feel anger towards the man and and pushes him danny responds quickly and throws a punch at michael, michael growls as him then tackles him to the ground as amir watches shocked, he keept throwing punches at danny making him bleed on the pavement but unexpectedly danny kicks him of and punches him, michael falls hitting the ground with a crack his head now bleeding, amir frightened runs inside. After several minutes of fighting a man runs over and pulls danny off him and punches him, danny was in shock by the strength of the stranger and runs off knowing he couldn't beat him, the tall stranger looks down to michael then crouches next to him, michael tries to look up at him but his eyes were blurry from the fall, the man moves michaels long greasy hair from his face getting some blood on his hand and michaels eyes focus. "you okay hoe?" the stranger says michael cant respond, his mind is too busy thinking of this man who helped him, this beautiful stranger.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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