Chapter 1

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“I’ve had enough of this Rae. You can’t just tell me what to do and hurt me, throwing me around like a rag doll!” Beastboy screamed slamming his fists into a wall next to the doorway in the common room.

Raven just glared at him, anger rising in her body.

“Stop this. Raven, Beastboy you can’t keep arguing every day like this it’s driving us all mad” Robin said looking between the two titans before Raven could say anything. He could see the anger building up in her and it was only a matter of time before she burst.

“Dude fine. I’ll just leave, it’s not like I want to be here or near that dark bitch anyway.” the changeling spat before turning around and leaving. As he left the common room and everyone else in it went into an awkward silence, the sound of banging against the walls echoed down the hallway. Once it could no longer be heard Robin looked towards Raven.

“What?” she said bitterly and frowned leaving in a black portal beneath her feet.

The rest of the titans sighed, they knew this wouldn’t be solved quickly. It was only a matter of time before the two would be at each other’s throats once again. Starfire got up first.

“I shall go and do the ‘girl talk’ with friend Raven” she said waiting for the approval of their leader. He nodded. With that she floated out the room leaving Robin and Cyborg. Cyborg looked up at Robin and gestured for him to follow out the room to Beastboy’s, he did so without a word. As soon as the two males reached the door, Cyborg gave a reluctant gulp and knocked, he had never seen him so angry. Both waiting they could hear banging and crashing going on inside the room and some heavy cursing. After a few minutes a fuming green titan opened the door.

“What?” he asked coldly, clearly very angry.

“We want to talk” Robin said making his way in with Cyborg following.

“Fine, whatever” he muttered before adding. “What is there to talk about, huh? She’s a selfish, emotionless bitch who couldn’t care less about what others felt” he almost yelled slamming his hands onto his desk.

“Dude, calm down its pointless getting worked up about another one of your arguments” Cyborg said trying to calm his best friend down.

“No! I’m not gonna calm down. I’m sick of this, I’m sick of her!” this time he was yelling and freaking out. Robin and Cyborg knew this was getting out of hand and Raven had just pushed her limits with him. It was not going to be easy getting them to make up anytime soon, not by a long shot. “Robin I wanna switch” he said through gritted teeth

“You want to what?” he asked shocked wondering if he heard him right.

Cyborg burst into laughter thinking he was joking but it soon died down as the two gave him a blank stare. “What? I thought you were joking!”

“I want to switch or be centred at another Titans station” he said in a serious tone that neither had heard before.

“B, are you hearing ya self?” Cyborg said trying to understand what his best friend was saying.

“Yeah!” he exclaimed “I’m sick of this Cye, I want to take a break and to do that I have to leave” he explained. “Don’t worry its only temporary, I’ll be back it’s just for a while” he sighed.

“Beastboy are you sure?” Robin didn’t want him to do anything he regretted or leave the team for that matter. “How long are you thinking?”

“I’m not sure” he said and he honestly didn’t know but what he did know was that if he didn’t leave now and cool off, his rage will take over.

“Ok well I’ll go talk to Titans east I’m sure they will be willing to switch for a year.” The leader said and left the room.

“A year!?!” Cyborg cried and his eyes widened. “Yo BB are you sure about this? I mean dude a year is a hella lot of time”

“I know” he said sadly and sat on his bottom bunk. “I just…I just need some time to cool off”

“So you don’t want to leave?” Cyborg asked trying to piece the pieces together.

“No, dude you guys are like my family. I just can’t handle her anymore and I wanna cool down before the beast takes over” he said laughing at his last words so Cyborg wouldn’t expect anything, he always was good at hiding himself.

“Haha yeah I get it man, she pulled your last strings.” Cyborg said with a slight chuckle and then he realised something. “Oh duudee…” he whined. “Now who am I gonna play game station with…I know Robin will sometimes but he gets too leader-y” he shuddered slightly.

“Dude I dunno but I need this or I’m gonna say something I really regret to her and I don’t want to hurt her feelings any more than I have” he admitted sadly.

“Man I didn’t know you actually cared about her”

“Of course I do, I mean she may get on my nerves but I don’t want her to be hurt…I actually try to make her smile and be happy and she just gets angry.” He could feel his anger and hurt rising up again. “Well now I’ll go and she’ll be happy”

“Maybe” he said walking towards the door. “Maybe not” He turned and left before the green changeling could interrupt.

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