The Gift (one)

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       I wake up with a start, I hear my brother snooring aboving me.The bunk bed we sleep in creeks, I rud my eyes and  swing my legs off my bed.As my feet touch the floor a chill swims up my back, I shake off the chill and push myself off the bed.The sun isn't up yet so I could go back to sleep but, my alarm clock says it is 6:30 and it will go off in a half an hour.I deside to go into the bathroom and take a shower.Right when I open the bedroom door the dog runs into the room, jumps on my bed and lays down.I ingnore him and continue to the bathroom...

       When I am finished with my morning routine I go to the kitchen where a plate of pancakes wait for my, which are as cold as ice. I break my rule of not using my powers for personal use but, I hate cold pancakes. I close my eyes and think of of the desert and fire, I hold my hand over the plate and concentrate on the fire in my mind, when I open my mind the pancakes are steaming and look warm. I go to the fridge and get the butter, syrup and milk.I hear my brothers mumbling from the end of the hall. If I know him he will go to the restroom take a shower and eat breakfast before he even changes, but today he comes straight to the kitchen fully dressed and ready to go.

"What are you wearing," I say, he wears a tux with a little red rose on the collar.

"I have a date with Mya, something YOU wouldn't know about,"he says this while putting on his shoes. A car outside honks. he walks out the door when I think of something.

"Hey you forgot something," I say with a mischievous plan in my head.Lucas walks back into the room


"The syrup," and as I say this I through the pancakes at him. The pancakes meet their mark, one lands in his hair another, lands on his chest and the others either stick on his chest or fall to the ground.

"Very clever but you will pay for THAT," he says the last words and leaves the house and then I hear him say from outside," and pick those up."I hear a car door open and close and, a car pull out of the driveway.

       I walk outside and shoot a blast of blue tendrils out into the street, ice.It didn't do what I hoped but, it was close enough, the car spins in a circle before catching the street ahead and driving away. When I walk back inside I pick up my mess, get my backpack, and my key and head to school.

       My car was a red four door Dodge.I lock the door behind me and unlock my car. I get in a start the engine, the pur of the engine smooths out the noise of our dog barking.I click on the radio and head to school...

       When I get to school I park in my usual spot, 2 spots away the "jocks" hangout in the back of a pickup truck with music pumping in the air.Next to them the cheerleaders sit and talk about "gossip". As usual I walk over to the oak tree, sit down and pull out my laptop. Right as I start logging on a hand comes down and shuts the lid.For a second I think the principle caught me but that was very unlikely because he never leaves the office. As I look up I see two people, one is a girl with long black ombre hair,dark blue eyes and a perfect chiseled face.The boy had straight brown hair that pecked out of an Orlando baseball hat, he also has amber eyes that shift from place to place.

" Hey Zach, what'cha doin',"the boy says

"Well, Jack I WAS going to finish my essay but YOU closed my laptop,"I look at him with a swirl, waiting for one of Jack's "famous" comebacks but, it doesn't come,"hi Lila did you do the essay."

"No,is it due today,"Lila said with concern in her voice

"Yes, Mrs. Emerald assigned it last week, and then the bell rings I pack up my things and walk inside...

       The rest of the day went by like a blur,"Hey want to go to a movie."suggested Jack

"That is your best idea ever," I said...

       As we walk to the movies I notice a strange guy has been following us, and then I see it, "the Mark". It was a mark every powered person was born with, like me, Jack and Lila but we had never meet another powered, but this mans was different, it was black instead of orange like mine and Jack's.Well, I thought, Lila's "Mark" is blue.I stop my tracks and Jack and Lila does the same I think we all saw him. Then out of nowhere a ball of black fire shoots towards my face I duck and shot a blue tendril of ice at him.He deflects with another ball of fire and this one hits Jack, who freezes with a thick layer of black ice around him.Lila, I see from the corner of my eye, is shooting rocks at the man with unexpected force.A couple hit him but he dodges most of them, then he blows smoke that slowly inches toward Lila. Before she could deflect she was on the floor in a deep sleep, as I was caught in the shock I saw ten people running away screaming,Then a fireball burns my left should, I grunt in pain and shoot fire,ice,and electric balls at him without breaks. Boom! Boom! Boom! all the spheres hit the man which, seemed to frustrate him, and with all his rage he charged at me. A was able to dodge his first attack but the next four sent unbearable pain all through my body and then, before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor...

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