chapter 1

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"I hoped you packed your sunscreen and bathing suits cause you're all going to sunny California," Garcia stated, walking in and handing everyone a case file.

"More specifically, Pasadena," You handed Garcia the tv remote from the center of the round table and she shot you a gracious smile.

"Starting with our latest victim, Rhodri Bain, 55 years old, CEO of a tech company. He lived with his wife and had 2 kids. This is the 5th killing and they started about 3 months ago. The victims were all found in the offices where they worked, tied up, blindfolded, and gagged. No one noticed they were gone until they were found in the morning." Garcia crossed her arms across her chest, clearly disturbed by some of the images she had to pull up.

Looking over the police reports you started going through ideas in your head and shaking your leg, something you did when you were anxious about a case.

Hotch seemed to pick up on your anxiety and placed his hand on your knee to prevent it from shaking.

You turned your head to look in Hotch's direction and he gave you a small smile before turning his attention back to the screen displaying a photo of the latest crime scene.

"If this is the 5th victim, why are we just being called in?" Morgan asked, scanning the case file in front of him and frowning at the pages.

"Because the local police station thought they had it under control but it turns out that they arrested the wrong suspect," Garcia explained.

"And that definitely sped up the cooling down period," Spencer interjected, sipping his coffee slowly.

"Well if they made it into the office building, the unsub has no trouble blending in," Hotch began. You looked over at him again, noticing the tired look on his face, a telltale sign that he hadn't slept in days.

"They? You think it's a woman?" JJ asked as she leaned back in her chair slightly.

"We can't rule anything out."

"The ME's report shows multiple layers of bruising on their wrists like they've been tied up. The different colors of bruising show different stages of healing, meaning this isn't the first time they've been tied up." Spencer explained, drawing his fingers across the pictures in his case file.

"That's true, it could mean that our victims may have had other encounters with the unsub prior to their murders and by the various stages of healing in the bruises, I'm guessing they weren't all business," you said, vaguely linking this case to the bdsm scene as you tried to think of any other possibilities.

You had been with the BAU for a little over a year, already loving the familial aspect of the team and how they always seemed to have your back. Since the day you started, however, you could never seem to get your mind off of Hotch.

He had been the first person to welcome you to the BAU and in many ways, he was the member of the team you were the closest to. You would constantly notice the way his eyes always wandered to yours, or how he always made excuses for you to go hang out with him and Jack. You were sure your other team members had noticed too, how could they not? You were all profilers.

"Wheels up in 30," you heard Hotch say, as the rest of the team gathered their supplies and headed out of the conference room.

You were so busy in your thoughts you hadn't noticed that Emily was the only one left in the room.

"y/n?" you vaguely heard Emily, still concerned with Hotch's apparent lack of sleep.

"Y/N!" Emily said louder.

"Yeah sorry, I just zoned out what's up," you said, attempting to cover up the fact that you were worried about Hotch.

"Nothing, I just wanted to tell you my date with JJ went great. I really want this to work out with us," Emily ran her fingers through her hair, something she did when she was nervous.

You'd known that Emily liked JJ since a case a few months ago when she doubled up with her in a hotel room.

"Em, that's great, I'm so happy for you." You smiled, getting up from the table and pulling your friend into a hug.

"Ugh, thank you, now come on we have to go, you know how Hotch gets when we're late," She laughed, helping you pick up your go-bag.


Hey guys so this is my first story but if you have suggestions or ideas please comment them. This story might have smut I still don't know yet.

Also a huge huge thank you to tamrin because shes helping me edit this story so thank you I love youuuu :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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