When I Met You

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Wang Mansion- THE GARDENS

Ten years old Wang Yibo was running around the wide garden while shouting. He kept on wiggling around as his eyes were brimming with unshed tears. The cause of the young boy' distress was the beetle that was holding on tightly on his woolen sweater. The boy' handsome face was distorteed by an ugly expression as he tried his best to loosen the beetle' hold without touching it. He has been running around for 15 minutes already and he was getting tired but his will was strong  because of his extreme dislike of insects.

The thrashing of the 10 year old was witnessed by 13 year old Xiao Zhan. Due to curiousity he approached the younger boy.

"Are you okay?" The melodious voice filled with concern startled the younger. He looked at the person who spoke and was mesmerized by angel-like appearance of the boy before him.

"Ge ge please.. remove the beetle." The young boy pleaded as he took a step towards the older, tears started to fall from the tips of his phoenix eyes.

The older boy' heart seem to melt upon witnessing the cute boys appearance. He nodded and reached his hand towards the back of the boy' woolen sweater. He was suprised when the younger suddenly hugged him while slightly trembling. He removed the beetle from the boys back and gently patted his back.

"There.. there..it's gone already didi." The older softly whispered as he wiped the young boys tears before gently ruffling his hair.

The youngster lips curved into a small smile but before he could thank the older boy they heard another voice.

"A'Zhan? Where are you, you rascal? Father said it's time to go home!"

The older glaced at the boy and smiled, he reached for the younger's hand and introduced himself.

"I'm Xiao Zhan. What's your name little

" I...I'm Wang Yibo and I'm not little!" The young boy pouted making the older blush at his cuteness.

"Awww, you are so cute!" Zhan couldn't help himself as he reached out to pinch the youngers' chubby cheeks earning a glare from the smaller boy.

"I! Am! Not! Cute! You are!" The young boy was getting frustrated as he stamped his foot with each word as a form of emphasis.

  Zhan was about to pat the youngsters hair once again when someone suddenly pulled his wrist harshly. The newcomer was also handsome but his face was marred by the scowl that seems to never leave his face.

"Are you deaf? I've been looking all over for you. Dad and Jiejie are waiting for us." The boy was talking loudly to Xiao zhan who just smiled at him annoyingly. The grumpy boy was getting more and more  irritated 'cause of the others'nonchalant behaviour that he didn't even notice the younger boy who was glaring at the wrist that he was holding on tightly.

"Aiyaaa!! Old man Zhoucheng stop shouting. I really am gonna go deaf because of you." Zhan said as he jokingly smacked the head of the grumpy boy. The grumpy boy signed deeply trying to calm himself. Without uttering another word, he pulled the thinner boy towards the mansion making him stumble a bit.

Zhan looked back at the younger kid who was left glaring at them before he smiled widely and waved.

"BYE BYE BO DI. HOPE TO SEE YOU AGAIN" He shouted to the stunned youngster.

Wang Yibo was left at the garden, feeling happy upon meeting Xiao Zhan but he was also extremely annoyed because they were interrupted by the other boy.

Yibo ran towards the Wang mansion but he was only able to see the boys' back as he entered a car. Wang Yibo was extremely curious so he went to his older brothers' room to ask about their visitors. His older brother, Wang  HaiKuan, was astonished by his brothers sudden interest towards their visitor. This brother of his rarely or has never took interest towards another living creature, he was always cold and would rarely speak even to his family members.

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