Chapter 1: Beginning

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Here is how this began: Naruto and the others were on their break. Boruto fucked up and forgot to use a condom while fucking Sarada making him a young father, Mitsuki was training, while Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were battling in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: Road To Boruto. "You stand no chance against team uchiha!" Sasuke said. "Bet! Hinata come out!" Naruto said switching to Hinata then losing. "That was a dumb idea. Second round." Sasuke said as the second battle began. Naruto switches to Boruto and Sasuke switches to Sarada. "Your making the kids fight?" Sakura asked. "YEP! BORUTO USE RASENGAN!" Naruto said as Boruto came through while breaking in with Rasengan. Naruto  had a ;-; face. "WHY THE FUUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Naruto said. "You told me too." Boruto said. "I meant in the god damn game." Naruto said. "Ohhhhhhh" Boruto said. "SARADA ATTACK!" Sasuke says as Sarada busts in beating the shit outta Boruto. "Ahem." Sasuke said. "You said attack." Sarada said. 

50 minutes later.

Sasuke then washes the blood off of his hands. "Damn you beat them up so hard they went bleeding." Naruuto said.

"I have a wish I must make." Sasuke says as he summons shenron. "MY WISH IS THAT I WAS WITH HINATA INSTEAD AND SAKURA WAS WITH NARUTO! SAKURA SUCKS SHE ISNT BLOSSOM ENOUGH FOR ME! HINATA GOT THE BYAKUGAN ASS!" Sasuke said. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Naruto says as Shenron grants the wish and everythinh goes white.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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