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<p data-p-id="01b5b412375df50bf185f4b61799563e">The sky is blue a lot of things are blue. The one color of blue I like the most is your eyes though. Every second I spend with you feels like forever. I don't want it to stop. Your so sweet and caring. The more we talk the more I feel closer to you. Every kiss to every I love you makes my heart beat faster. Every body has someone out there for them. I don't know if your mine or not but I intent to find out and to work with you. Every up and down that we will face we will face together. Your my Ace. The one of a kind. Your so sweet and funny you can make me laugh with out even trying. You worry about me and you always ask if I'm ok. You sweep me off my feet every day. We have so much fun together we lose our selves in each other...and I don't mind it at all. It is like everything about you draws me in.my heart skips a beat when I'm talking to you I feel as if everything is where it should be. I fall in love with you more everyday. You can clam me down when I'm to pissed to think, you know what to say at the right time. You can make my day seem bright when it's dark. You light me up and lift me high. Your my own personal drug. It doesn't matter what gets thrown in our faces we will get through it together. Your my star in the sky and you shine light that lights my way. You say the sweetest things to me and I know I'm always on your mind. We don't have to say I love you to know we love each other. Like we both believe; actions speak louder than words. You hold me when it storms you laugh with me all the time I hold you when things get rough I don't see how my life would be easy without you in it. You know things about me other people don't know. Your so smart and sweet and kind and I just don't see a happy life without you. But now I guess that gone and now I am nothing. I love you Kasey. I really do. I don't want to be without you....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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