
43 4 10
  • Dedicated to Rose

You were never really gone,

my shadow i the night.

You lingered in my heart,

waiting to take flight.

You didn't want to soar the sky,

among the other spirits.

To protect me was your duty,

or so you seemed to think.

You would just disapear,

but then be back in a blink.

I wish you had never gone away,

but you have not really come back.

You are just drifting in Limbo,

It pains me to see you like that.

For you are an angel,

that is true!

And you deserve a place in heaven,

but I will miss you.

Ever since that fateful day,

I've had a hole in my heart.

But if you were finally at peace,

the healing process could start

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2012 ⏰

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