Chapter One: Dreams

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Hey! So this us just a little start of a fanfic I thought up at 1 in the morning, so hope ya like it! I have written other fanfics but never really liked them because my personality wasn't in it, but lord Jesus are my true colors comin out here! Anywho, read on!



"But maybe I'm just in love, when you wake, me, up." I sang along, swaying to the sound of the music. I just can't believe my luck. Front row, sold out, Ed Sheeran tickets, and he was singing right. At. Me. Our eyes connected and I flashed him a grin.

"I LOVE YOU ED!" I shouted over the thrum of the music. He smirked and brushed back his hair. Then he called out,

"Girl get your ass outta bed! We are going to be late!" I snapped up from my bed, the dream still relevant in my mind. Damn. I thought that was real. Then my gaze turned towards a flustered Liz, waiting impatiently for me to get up with her arms crossed.

"I tried to wake you up like 20 times! It's already 6:50!"

"OH SWEET JESUS!" I screamed as I ran out of my dimly lit room. I have 10-no 9- minutes to get ready. Crap. I skidded down the long hallway, taking a turn into the bath room. Attacking my face with mascara, I thought through in my mind of what I could wear. I then finished my makeup and ran back down the hall, colliding with Liz.

"You- wha- I was gonna wear that!" I screeched as I pointed accusingly at her. She had on the exact cream blouse and floral red skinny jeans I wanted to wear, her hair in light bouncy curls.

"sorry! I can't read minds!" she tried apologizing. I checked my watch again. 6 more minutes.

"6 minutes.. 6 minutes," I muttered to myself. I quickly rummaged through my messy closet, desperate for something wearable. Ah-ha! I snatched the gray jumper, pulled it over my head, then slammed my feet into my black and white knit boots. By this time Liz had gone, probably to hurry Ari out the door as well. Walking out of my cozy bedroom I scraped back my hair into a messy bun, and braided back my bangs. My signature look. I pulled on my glasses and stepped in front of the hall mirror. Acceptable. Rushing to catch up with the girls, a bustled my way to the kitchen and breathlessly let out "2.....minutes..." a look of surprise overcame their features as they wrapped up their breakfasts, and headed out the door. I followed in pursuit, locking the deadbolt behind me.

"Overslept again?" questioned Ari.

"mmmhmmmm" I gritted through my teeth. I hate when I oversleep. It just kinda throws everything off. The tall blonde girl shot me a sympathetic look, then turned to face forward again.

"Welp we always have this weekend to look forward to!" Beamed Liz excitedly.

Ooohhh yeeeaaah! I thought to myself. The concert! You see, that dream about the Ed Sheeran concert wasn't too far off. I really an going to his concert, and it really is gonna kick ass, but sadly, I don't have the lucky front row tickets.

"oh. Well you guys have fun. I'm gonna stay with Gary so I'm not a loner." Gary was (besides Liz and I) Ari's best friend. She didn't really want to come to the concert with us because she isn't really THAT hardcore of a fan if Ed's and didn't want to spend the money. But me and Liz? Total, all- out, fan girling, merch-buying, addicted-to-the-very-sound-of-his-voice, fans. And we were going to the concert.

Finally reaching our flame red, mustang, we all popped open the doors and sat inside. Ari at the wheel, me at shotgun, and Liz in the back seat. Just how it was always. We tried all taking turns driving, but soon found out that I was a quote "too easily distracted driver" and a "danger to mankind"... Whatever.... And Liz was just flat out a bad driver. It's not that that she can't help it. Oh she can. I think she TRIES to suck at driving. Honestly. One time, we were driving to work and she asked 'do ya think I should just run over the curb and go around the traffic' and do I replied 'heh, I wish'. But it was not until she actually started to swerve off the road and towards the curb did we start to worry.... So, Ari shall drive.

We made, idle chit-chat, and cracked jokes, just like we have since 5th grade, until we finally reached our destination. A large, three story building with wide open windows. It was a professional gray color, with black steps and a black door, but you tell, just tell from the outside that it was an inviting place to be. It was here that Ari, Liz, and I worked as hair stylists. We had a lot of friends, a very nice pay (but somehow not enough for floor tickets *cough cough* LIZ) and it was located in the middle of the city of London. Bonus!

We pulled into an empty parking spot and turned off the car. Stepping into the cool, London air, I smiled. I love it here.

"You just gonna stand there like some sort of weird seance or do you want to get paid today?" demanded Ari. Well then sassifras!

"I'm comin', I'm comin'..." I muttered. Ari and Liz continued on their conversation from before.

"So your telling me.." Liz glanced around," He has FOUR nipples?" she whispered.

"I dunno... That's what they say" shrugged Ari.

"WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT WILLIS?!" I exclaimed. Da fuq? Four nipples?

"Harry. Harry Styles." she notices my puzzled look.".. From One Direction?"

"ooh!" for the past week Ari has been trying to convert Liz and I into 'directioners' of this band she likes. They sound like a bunch if circus freaks, to me.

"There's the one with multi-nips, then the one who is scared of spoons, and the bottomless pit, and the one who likes carrots, right?"

"Nope. Ya missed one. And Sydney these are people. They have names!" Ari retorted.

"Oh sorry I forgot! Justin Bieber one, two, three, four, and five. My bad. And the last one is tattoo-man right?" I smirked, as we walked up the pathway lined with flowers, to the black door. I tugged on the silvery handle.

"you should just give em a chance!" begged Ari.

"Hmmm... NO!" ok so this may sound quite bitchy but hear me out: I've always been the type of person who, if some new fad starts, I tend to automatically hate it.

"Hey girls!" a bright eyed woman then approached us.

"hey Amy!" we chorused. Amy was the one who got us our jobs here, and ever since, was always sort of a mom to us.

"Now Ari, you have Trina Palaker waiting at your station, so you might want to hurry!" she chirped patting her back as she whipped by. Trina was not a patient person. "Well, I'll see you two later! Gotta go!" and Amy walked away. Liz and I headed for the break room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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