I love you

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“Lou, how many times do I have to remind you to clean after yourself and not leave everything all around the house?!” Harry said, slightly annoyed by his hybrid boyfriend’s behaviour. After all, he had cleaned the house just before heading out to the supermarket, and the next thing he knew, his cat like boyfriend had mess up the whole kitchen, probably looking for something to eat. Normally, it wouldn’t have bothered Harry that much, but today had just been an overly bad day for him, the pressure of everything becoming too much for him lately. Harry ran a hand through his hair, tucking at his chocolate brown curls and decided it was best that he didn’t pour all his frustration out on Louis. He headed outside for a walk to clear his head and shut the door a little bit too hard, making it slam. 

Louis was in their shared bedroom, tucked under the covers, scared by his boyfriend’s sudden anger. His cat ears flat against his feathery hair and his tail tightly wrapped around his body, he was startled and jumped a bit when he heard the front door slamming, indicating that Harry had once again left him all alone in their flat. His mind raced, as he thought of his boyfriend’s annoyed tone. His breath hitched in his throat and his blue eyes slowly filled themselves with tears, threatening to fall as he thought about Harry being mad at him, and leaving him because he was tired of taking care of Louis. Soon enough, he was sobbing, tears rolling against his flushed cheeks. All he wanted was to bury his face in the crook of Harry’s neck, and the thought of it only brought a new batch of fresh tears. He sniffed, trying to stop his crying but failed miserably. 

As soon as he left, Harry sent out a text to his friend, Niall, explaining everything. The response came shortly after, “Mate, take it easy, he probably feels devastated that you left him all alone like that. I suggest that you go back through that door and go cuddle him:)” He felt bad immediately for yelling and leaving Lou alone. He walked back in his flat, ready to apologize for snapping at his boyfriend. “Lou?” he called out, as he went upstairs, to their bedroom. When he heard sniffing and whimpering as a response, he quicken his pace and opened their bedroom door in a swift motion. “Lou, baby boy, what’s wrong?” Harry asked in a soft voice, not wanting to startled the other lad. The sight of Louis curled on himself under the covers only made Harry’s heart break as he knew the older lad was bawling his eyes out. “Shit, did I make him like that?” He wondered to himself and suddenly he felt so guilty, and before he knew it, he was by his boyfriend’s side, pulling Louis up, making him sit in his lap. “Shh… Baby, everything’s fine. What’s wrong honey?” He cooed, as Louis snuggle closer to him, burying his face in the crook of Harry’s neck. “Hazza, you came back…” Louis whispered, his voice broken from all the sobs that were leaving his parted lips. “Of course I did sweetheart, why wouldn’t I?” Harry’s lips brushed lightly against his boyfriend’s forehead as he pet his cat ears, earning a purr from Louis. “I thought Hazza left Lou all alone.” Louis whimpered and Harry felt his heart flutter at the soft voice Louis used. “I could never leave you love, never.” He said, burying his nose in the older lad’s hair, smelling the sweet honey shampoo his boyfriend used. “But someday you will. Someday you’ll find someone better than Lou, someone prettier than Lou who cleans the house. And then, you’ll leave Lou all alone, and you’ll kick Lou out of our house. And look at me, for god‘s sake, I have cat ears and a tail. There‘s no way you want to live with a cat for the rest of your life. And I‘m all small and have a tummy, and I‘m not pretty.” Louis cried out and before the words even crossed his mouth, fresh tears were already pouring on his cheeks. He never told his boyfriend about all his insecurities and mouthing them out loud was so much worse. 

Harry looked at his boyfriend, so fragile, sobbing in his arms. His heart ached as Lou belittled himself before him. He unwrapped his arms from around Louis and the other lad found himself shivering from the lost of contact. Harry brought his large hands up to cup his boyfriend’s face, brushing the tears away with his thumbs. His green eyes looked into wet blue orbs. Louis’ eyes were filled with fear and sadness as he tried to blink away the tears, while Harry’s eyes were filled with worry and love. Their faces were inches away and Harry bent down and caught Louis’ mouth with his own, brushing gently. “Baby, I’ll never leave you. Don’t ever think that I would okay? There’s absolutely no way that I’ll find someone better than you because you’re already everything I could ask for. You’re beautiful Lou, so beautiful, so pretty with you ears and your tail yeah? So cute too, always so sensitive when I’m petting your ears. You’re not too small, you just fit perfectly with me love. And god, Lou your stomach, it’s perfect Lou, I love it. I’ll never find better than you baby, you’re perfect. So please, just don’t talk about yourself that way. Don’t belittle yourself so easily babe. I love you so much.” Harry’s voice was slightly above a whisper as he spoke against Louis’ lips, sending shivers through his spine. “Love you too.” Louis whispered back, his tail flicking slowly as his heart rate increased. He still had tears in his eyes but they slowly turned to tears of happiness as he realized how genuine Harry’s feelings were, as genuine as his own feelings were for the younger lad. “It’s okay, stop crying love. I’ve got you, I’m not leaving, not now, not never.” Harry said, still petting his boyfriend’s ears just how he liked it.

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