mm kiss smexy owo piss

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gorg snogs dream because he is horny. this is because he is sexy as fuck and has yaoi hands.

dream does not like how greg's lips are plump with sweat. he smacks vlognotfound with the vlog gun. gogy goes feral and bites the vlog gun in half. tomyinit wails at the pain in his heart because he is spiritedly linked with vlog gun.

dream kisses george with the vlog gun's plastic in his mouth. dream licks the pieces from gorge's mouth, then chews noisily on the plastic. he thinks it is delicious. he still hates g's lips because they are full of glue.

dream uses the glue for his cardboard hat project.

sapnap whines about not being able to wear the cardboard hat because he is a cowboy yeehaw hey mamas fuckboy dream kicks him in the face because he is Very Annoyed with sap's Bullshit then he takes karl and kisses him in front of sapnap because it will make sap die in pain. sap dies in pain.

then dream goes to walmart to buy more glue because the glue from gnf's lips were not enough. he sees fundy and then boom they do the haha 69 and dream gets pregnant because that's how the world works

when dream gets home goreg smacks him so that he has a miscarriage and he bleeds from his stomach which is sad.

and then george spits out the vlog gun good as new from his mouth and tomyinit screams in pogchamp and happiness

dream goes swimming because he is a fish

george is sad because he simply Cannot Date a fish because they are fishy

the End

dreamnotfound 18+ (HOT SEXY) (DONT READ IF UR UNDER 15) (NC16) (KISS GONE WRONG)Where stories live. Discover now