Chapter 1

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It was a normal day in the orphanage. Well, at least, it was for Izuku. He was stuck in the time-out room and had been for an hour minimum, since he refused to apologise for his actions. How did he end up in there, you may be asking? Izuku had lashed out on a staff member after she had told him about a couple who were thinking about fostering him. Izuku didn't mean to hit her, but if she hadn't grabbed him and tried to pull him to the main room, then it wouldn't had happened in the first place. The time-out room wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It had the odd bean bag on the floor, and a few cushions dotted around the room. Izuku sat on the floor, staring out of the window, lost in his thoughts. The creak that followed the opening of the door broke Izuku's chain of thought.
"Aiko, are you ready to apologise now?" A voice said, in an annoyed tone. Izuku didn't have to look at the origin of the voice to know who it belonged to. Yuki, a staff member at the orphanage. She also happened to be the one Izuku lashed out on. Aiko. Izuku hated that name. No, he despised it deeply. Izuku had pointed out that he wanted to be called Izuku, and only Izuku, multiple times, but nobody at the orphanage listened. It annoyed Izuku very much.
"No, Yuki. I won't apologise. So, fuck off. And stop calling me fucking Aiko." Izuku spat, menace laced in his voice. He kept his eyes on the outside world. Izuku wasn't really allowed outside much, due to his 'reckless behaviour', as the staff described it, causing his pale skin. Izuku had a naturally thin figure, always covered by his usual 'hoodie and jeans' combination. Messy, forest-green hair covered his emerald green eyes that Izuku described as his 'most embarrassing feature'. Izuku's hair almost reached his shoulders, the tips of his curls tickling them. He hid his hair with his signature hoodie, which also doubled as a shield that hid his face. Izuku's lips were pale, just like the rest of him, but had the pink tint that gave some people the idea that he wore lip gloss. His mouth rarely formed a genuine smile. Izuku always wore a dysphoria hoodie, because, you see, Izuku was transgender, female to male, but he couldn't afford a binder. The staff refused to buy him one, their excuse always being, "When you learn to respect your elders, we'll get you a binder." Bullshit. His hoodie was matched with a pair of jeans, black. Izuku always wore a pair of faded red fingerless gloves that had the appearance of red bandages. They were stained with dirt, but Izuku refused to take them off unless they needed washing, and Izuku washed them himself in a sink. He didn't trust the staff at all. He was too concerned that they may throw them away, or confiscate them as a punishment for his behaviour. He also wore a crystal blue glass shard (that somehow never impaled his skin) attached to a string that he never removed. Call him sentimental, but it just made him feel better about everything.
"Aiko!" Yuki shouted into Izuku's ear, causing Izuku to flinch away. She firmly placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Don't be so selfish! This is the best chance you have, with that nasty behaviour of yours." she whisper-yelled into Izuku's ear, receiving only a grunt in response. The woman took Izuku's arm and pulled him towards the main room, where the couple sat, waiting to meet their, hopefully, new temporary child.
"Let go of me!" Izuku shouted, trying to struggle his way out of Yuki's tight grip. The woman ignored Izuku's struggles and opened the door to the main room.
"I apologise for the wait, sirs. Aiko here is quite the troublemaker and refused to apologise for her actions." Yuki explained as she pulled Izuku towards the couch opposite the couple. The boy's eyes widened a bit when he realised what she had said. Was he going to get fostered by a gay couple? He didn't have any problems with it, of course, but it was surprising that Yuki had allowed it, especially with her disliking towards the LGBTQ+ community. Izuku stared at his lap and fidgeted with the fabric of his sleeve, refusing to make any kind of eye contact with the couple, or anyone, for that matter.
"Aiko, this is Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi. Sirs, this is Midoriya Aiko. I will leave you here to bond for a short while before you make your final decision." Yuki said, before she walked out and shut the door behind her.
"Hey, Little Listener! I'm Hizashi, and this is my husband, Shota! Could you tell us about yourself?" an unnecessarily loud voice exclaimed. It was familiar to Izuku, but he couldn't place where he had heard it. Izuku refused to look at Hizashi, though. After a few seconds of silence,the other man, who must have been Shota, spoke up,
"Listen, kid. You have to communicate with us." A few more seconds of silence passed before Izuku plucked up the courage to whisper a response.
"You know the staff only do this whole bonding time shit with me? They know I'm going to come back to this hell hole within a week, two weeks at most." His voice had an emotionless tone, and was a bit raspy, as if he didn't talk much.
"Maybe you're just misunderstood? Maybe, they don't know the real you." Hizashi tried to explain, but Izuku have a small chuckle in response. Hizashi and Shota shared a look of confusion, before the boy shared his thoughts.
"They don't bother to know the real Midoriya Izuku. They don't care about his problems. To them, Midoriya Izuku is a burden, nothing else." Izuku lifted his head to look at the couple. Hizashi had long blonde hair that had been tied in a half-up-half-down look, with the top half of his hair in a messy bun whilst the lower half laid on his back. He had green eyes that were a little darker in shade compared to Izuku's eyes. A pair of triangular, orange-lensed glasses had been tucked into Hizashi's hair. The man wore a black leather jacket with a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans. The look was finished with a pair of black and white trainers. Shota, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He had long, black hair that lay on his shoulders. The bags under the man's eyes suggested that the man needed sleep desperately. His black pupils were the only thing in his eyes. Shouta wore a black hoodie, that had been rolled up a little on his left arm. He wore black trousers, and had grey trainers on. At first glance, Izuku would've thought he was a homeless man.
"Hey, Listener? You're spacing out." Hizashi began, his voice a little quieter. He clicked his fingers once to grab the boy's attention. Izuku made a disapproving noise at his name.
"Can you tell us about yourself, kid?" Shota tried to make eye contact with Izuku, but the boy had already turned his head back down to his lap. Izuku sighed in defeat.
"What do you want to know, then?" Izuku murmured, barely audible. The child had kept a monotone voice that had no interest in the topic at hand. Hizashi and Shota had gotten a little worried to what the boy might have gone through to have such an emotionless tone, but continued the conversation.
"Okay, so..." Hizashi began, but Izuku quickly drowned out the voices. A small smirk grew on Izuku's face for a mere second as his mind came up with a plan to mess with the men's minds, but it quickly vanished as he realised it would be near impossible to do.
"Look, Loudmouth, Hobo, I don't really care about any of this shit, so fuck off and leave me be or something. Or you could actually try to bring a reckless child into your home. Your choice, I don't give a shit anymore." Izuku stared at the space between the two men as he spoke. The couple had a silent conversation, and Shota looked at a piece of paper on the coffee table. Izuku assumed it was his file.
"Do you have any prefered names, kid? What would you like us to call you?" Shota asked. Izuku looked at the man's forehead in confusion. Nobody had ever asked him that, only a few people called him by his prefered name and pronouns. Izuku hesitated for a short while.
"Izuku." he murmured. "And don't call me 'she'. I'm a he, him." he added. The couple nodded in agreement.
"Alright, Izuku. I love that name!" Hizashi exclaimed.
"Calm down, 'Zashi." Shota muttered. "So, you're transgender?"
Izuku nodded.
"I'm surprised they didn't put that on your file." the man spoke his thoughts aloud.
"They don't really care about what pronouns we prefer, or what name we want to be called. Everyone else just likes their birth name and pronouns." Izuku explained as his eyes turned to the paper in Shota's hands. Shota and Hizashi shared a look before they both smiled and returned their eyes to Izuku.
"Izuku, how would you like to live with us?"


Izuku didn't know how it had all happened. One moment, he had been sitting in the time-out room, the next he was shifting his bag onto his back. He barely even knew he was walking down the stairs and out the door of the orphanage, faded yellow bag hung over one of his shoulders, the black strap of his ukelele case on top of it. He barely even noticed when he stepped into the car and the engine came to life. He was only released from his dream-like state when Shota spoke up.
"We have two other kids. Eri is five, and Hitoshi is thirteen."
Izuku hummed in response. There was an awkward silence between the three of them before Hizashi decided to turn on the radio. Izuku let a small smile form on his face as he looked out the window. Shota was driving, and Hizashi was in the front seat. Izuku's things were on the seat next to the boy.
"What do I call you?" Izuku whispered, barely audible. He didn't really expect anyone to answer his question, but it seemed that Shota had good hearing.
"Whatever you're comfortable with. But, Eri and Hitoshi call me Dad." he said.
"And they call me Papa, but, like Shō said, you can call me whatever you'd like!" Hizashi added. Izuku thought he was just desperate to slide into the conversation, as he hadn't spoken until then. Izuku allowed his fingers to intertwine and dance around one another as they made their way towards Izuku's new home.


Shota's and Hizashi's home was an apartment, quite plain, but it was tidy for a family of four. When Izuku entered, a little girl with pale blue hair that covered a small beige horn jumped from her seat on the couch greeted the two adults with a hug. The girl wore a red dungaree dress with a white, short-sleeved t-shirt underneath. Her eyes were a sparkling ruby red.
"Eri, can you go get Hitoshi, please?" Shota asked the small child.
"Sure, Dad!" the little girl shouted happily, running into a room, which Izuku assumed was Hitoshi's room. A few seconds later, Eri emerged from the room, pulling a figure down the hall. When the figure was pulled into the light, Izuku could make a guess on who this was. He had purple hair that defied all laws of gravity, and purple eyes that had dark eyebags, suggesting he didn't sleep much, like Shota. He was wear a purple baggy t-shirt and black jeans. He wore no socks, or shoes. Eri and Hitoshi stood in between the living room and kitchen, probably waiting for an introduction.
"Do you remember when we asked if you would be okay with another kid in the house? Well, this is Izuku, he's going to be staying with us for a while!" Hizashi said.
Hitoshi edged closer and took in Izuku's appearance, recognition taking place instantly.

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