Operation: Freddy's Pizza playdate

693 17 1

Your P.O.V

As the night guard takes me to his car to drive me home, I look back at the parts and service room. I realize that I don't have something in my hand, the Golden Bonnie plush.

"Wait, stop, I forgot something in there!" I say trying to run back onto the pizzaria, but I'm pulled back by the hoodie by the night guard.

"Kid, trust me, there's no reason for you to go back in there. You're not even supposed to be here after hours. Just let me lock this place up and take you home." He says. Then I get an idea. I want to talk to Springtrap again and know more about him, so I'll have to think of a plan to get back in there. I can't go there during the day and it'll be locked at night, at least until 12 AM when the night guard walks through the doors. Wait, I have a plan. As we're driving home I'll try and snag the keys and find an exact copy in the basement. Then the next night I'll just sneak them back in the office. So let's get this plan into motion.

"Fine." I say walking with the night guard to his car. We walk for about 5 seconds before we reach the car. We get in, the guard starts the car and starts pulling out of the parking lot.

"So where do you live kid?" He asks me. I just sit with my fist resting on my head on my fist while staring out the window.

"The boy's orphanage on 2nd Avenue, opposite to East Coast." I say.

"Wait, you're an orphan? I'm, sorry to hear that kid." He says driving onto the street.

"Don't be, my parents, they're the ones who should feel sorry for me. Just one look at my hair and they decided to just, give me up. I hate them." I say.

"Wait, what's wrong with your-" He says before I cut him off.

"My hair is snow white. I've heard rumors about it being that my parents accidentally drank bleach while my mom was pregnant with me and that it ended up in my hair when I was in her belly. And that they both got white streaks in their hair from it." I explain.

"Wow, that's kinda wild. I didn't really notice the hair colour. But then if they got white streaks then why did they abandon you? I mean wouldn't they want you to be like them?" He asks sounding surprised.

"Beats me. If they really loved me then they wouldn't have given me up or at least realized that putting me up for abortion was a mistake. Yet fifteen years later, you would expect them to come back for me by now, yet I'm still stuck at that stupid orphanage." I say.

"Wait, you're fifteen?" He says

"Yeah. I mean at first glance I look twelve. But I'm not." I say.

"Damn, I wasn't expecting to find a Fifteen year old kid trapped in a parts and service closet at Freddy's for more than seven hours." He says.

"Yeah, neither was I." I say. We drive around for another 10 minutes in akward silence. Eventually he starts talking to me again.

"So, when I found you, you said that there was someone else trapped in that room." He says.

"Yeah, but you thought I was delusional from staying in that room for so long." I say emotionless.

"Well, I'll try to see if anyone is trapped there for you. Okay?" He says.

"Wait, really? Thanks." I say cheerfully. I then look out the windshield and see our destination.

"Stop, this is the place." I say. He stops the car outside the orphanage and turns off the car. I get out of the car and start walking to the door.

"Hey kid, befor I go, what's your name?" He asks.

"Drake." I say.

"Drake, I'll be sure to remember that name." He says. He then gets in the car and starts driving off.

"Thanks!" I say waving to him. "Sucker. I can't believe he did notice me steal his keys, what a numbskull." I say to myself, pulling out the keys from my pocket and swinging them around my finger. I then put them back in my pocket and knock on the door as loud as I can, hoping that someone from inside might hear me. But then again, its about 12:11 AM, I doubt that will happen. But a minute after I hear a knock on the door I'm proven wrong. Someone opens it, and its none other than my best friend, Mike.

"Drake!" He shouts jumping at me and wrapping me in a bear hug.

"Heh, hey bro." I say hugging him back. He pulls away and puts his hands on my arms.

"Dude, where were you? We only noticed that you were missing when we got back here. We were panicking like hell. We all thought you were kidnapped or murdered like those six children in 1989. And then we called the police and they were no help at all. I was so worried." He says.

"Yeah, I know. I thought I'd never get out of that closet." I say. Then I see a puzzled look on his face.

"Wait, you were stuck in a closet?" He asks.

"It's a long story." I say leading Mike to our room, closing the door behind me.

▪▪▪Five Minutes of Explaining Later

"So you're telling me that you were stuck at Freddy's Pizza in a parts and service room for over seven hours?" Mike asks. I nod.

"Yeah. Pretty much." I say.

"And while you were in there you found out that someone else was trapped there behind a wall?" Mike says.

"Yup." I say.

"And that guy's name is Springtrap? That's a funny name." He says chuckling a bit.

"Yes, that's exactly what I said to him. Also I forgot to mention that the animatronics are possessed by the spirits of the six children that were murdered in 1989." I say. I could see the surprise on Mike's face as soon as I say that.

"Wait, they're possessed?" He asks.

"Yeah, and according to Springtrap they come to life to kill the night guard after 12 AM. I was right about their bodies being stuffed into those animatronic suits. Pretty cool huh?" I explain.

"Cool and horrifying is more like it. I could only imagine what it would be like to be the night guard in a place full of haunted animatronics." He says excited.

"I know right? But there's something I need your help with. Springtrap is stuck behind that parts and service room and I need to find a way to get him out of there. That's where I need your help." I explain.

"I like where this is going. What do you need my help with?" He asks.

"Tomorrow night, I'm gonna sneak into Freddy's about five minutes before 12. Then I'll go into the backroom and try to find a way to open the door to the room that Springtrap is stuck in. But if I don't make it back before seven in the morning the next day they'll get suspicious. That's where you come in." I explain.

I explain my plan to him. He nods in understanding and crawls to his bed when I finish explaining. I then go to my bed and crawl into the covers. I need as much rest as I possibly can for my plan to work tomorrow night. I quickly fall asleep, knowing that tomorrow night, I might be able to set my new friend free. The only problem is the night guards. Nah, screw it. They barely check the parts and service rooms anyway. As long as I stay in there the whole night then I'll be fine. I just hope that I'll be able to free Springtrap. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Chapter 4, done. Let me know what you guys think of it. Look I don't have much time to write. I have to go. See you in the next chapter.

(Dude, tell them. Its only going to get worse if you keep it from them, and you know that I can't tell them.)

No, I-I can't. It's a heartbreaking topic. I don't wanna go through that again, talking to them about it will only make me feel worse.

(But if you don't then-)

No! I don't want to and you can't make me! I'm ending off the chapter here. They don't know what happened to me the last few days and I don't plan on telling them! Now if you'll excuse me I'll go drown my depression playing GTA5.

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