Chapter 10: Big Brother

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(Your POV)
After Angie and I left Origami's apartment, the spatial quake alarm rang out, and the two of us ran towards the stairwell to begin climbing the stairs. The two of us weren't really surprised when we saw Yoshino riding Zadkiel in front of the apartment building. I attempted to get Yoshino's attention by waving Yoshinon above my head while Angie used her phone to let everyone know what the hell's going on.

"Hey Yoshino, over here!" I shouted in an attempt to get her attention, succeeding the making the small spirit look my way with tears in her eyes. "Everything's going to be alright now that Yoshinon is here, isn't that right?"

"Right!" I attempted my best to sound like Yoshinon while making the puppet's mouth move in accordance to what I made him say. "Everything's going to be alright now!"

"Target acquired." A familiar monotone voice said from behind Angie and I, causing the two of us to turn around to see a whole bunch of AST units swarming toward Yoshino.

Not even five seconds later, the AST began firing a series of missiles and lasers as Yoshino, causing the rabbit puppet to roar before jumping off somewhere. I was beyond pissed about this, not only did the AST shoot at a literal child, but made my job harder than it would have had to be. I shouted in frustration a bit before activating <Sun Painter Amaterasu> and began painting the scene in front of me onto the ground.

"(Y/N), Angie, what's going on down there?!" Kotori shouted into both Angie and my own earpieces, making both of us grab our earpieces in response.

"AST being a bunch of unhelpful third wheels again." I reported as I painted the finer details of the AST units on the ground. "Don't worry, I have a way to take care of them in a matter of seconds."

"THEY'RE ATTACKING A CHILD?!" Kaito screamed in shock, almost enough for me to lose concentration in the painting I was painting. "That's so unmanly of them! Get those mother fuckers!"

"Isn't it unmanly to attack girls like that?" Reine asked in a curious voice. "Plus stooping to such a level to use an underhanded trick like that makes you just as bad as them."

"I yearn for true gender equality." I say before reciting a line I always wanted to say. "I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them and complains about someone 'not being a man' when it's convenient."

"Okay, that aside, how are you going to approach this (Y/N)?" Kotori asked, obviously questioning what the hell's going through my head. "We can use the warp to get Angie out of there and send Kiibo instead. After all, he's the only one of us who can actually help you, at least until Miu makes a nuke by accident."

"After I finish my next work of art, send Kiibo to act as a distraction, from there I'll try to close the gap between Yoshino and I." I look up to take a reference of the scenery before me, taking notice that Yoshino was now on top of a building, surrounded by an ice tornado.

Angie waved to me right before disappearing and in her place was none other than the ultimate robot himself, Kiibo. As for me, I finally finished my ground painting, which perfectly depicted the scene in front of me down to the very last detail. I used my brush to create black storm clouds that didn't leak rain, but instead I painted lightning bolts striking each of the AST units. Moments later, dark gray clouds appeared overhead of us, and wasted no time in striking each of the AST units with black lightning.

"What was that?" Kiibo asked as he started up his jet pack and arm cannons. "It seems useful."

"Voodoo painting, it does just as the name implies." I answered while running forward and walking on a path made of black ink. "Now come on, you shoot the ice shards and make a path for me. Got it?"

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