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        "Live the moment," she kept telling him, "Don't worry about the future.  Don't carry the world on your shoulders."

        They tried to cherish the times they were together.  Have fun.  But deep within his mind, he worried about what might - will - happen.  Everyday that passed by, the time drew closer and closer when she had to leave him.  They knew it would happen.  He died slowly inside.  Stressed.

        Seven months past, the stress grew too great for him to handle.  She was leaving in three weeks.  He started to feel more and more emotional every waking day.  He could not sleep, concentrate on his tasks - live the moment.  He worried.  Until two days before she had to leave, he found himself being rushed to the hospital.

        That day, he was with her, having fun.  However, he was too stressed, his heart could not handle it. Myocardial Infarction.  They tried to save him: aspirin, CPR, defibrillation.  Nothing worked and his heart stopped.

        Two days before she had to leave, he left.

        Young and healthy, expired.  His time was up.  She continued to survive, knowing that every second of her life, she was dying.

        "At least, from now on, I can watch over you... until we meet again."

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