chapter 1

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Is everything alright?
You told me...
What? What did u find this?
Just answer jake.
Lila i..
Jake...i wanna say the truth..what the hell you was doing there??
Founding answer your father, isn't it?
Jake answer!
I wish that man won't be my real father.
Jake..that is you went..
Not only that. Also i went for this
What is it?
Open it.
Oh god...
I know...i had same the reaction
Why you did not tell me before?! We could do something...
Like what?
I don't know..maybe we could have think about like a way yo figure out..
You could help me
I wanted
Look i am sorry about lied to you. But..the best way for...
For what?
Protect me? That you are saying
I am very capable to care myself.
I know....i worried my father and all of them..
Is late we should go to sleep. Talk tomorrow.
Hey lila..
What? I am tired. It was a long day. Keep talking tomorrow okay
Ok. Good night
Good night Jake..ah don't forget you are the leader of this team. They need u like i do.
Jake telling pov:

Lila....(seeing photos)
Thinking the good moments they lived as team.
Maybe she is right. I am a leader of this team. I can't let my ego...for my ego i almost what i friends..lila.. my..well..
Maybe i..god..i was a stupid..for my ego i lost everything i had. I have to do sth for figure out for fíx our friendship.

That was reflect Sam. On his reflection admited the wrong he was and how his ego was became in the guy he is. He was and still feeling guity.

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