This is the NEW drawing/ random shiz book

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Hello! My last fic was offending and I did NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. SO I deleted that fic and made a new one and this is basically the same thing but not as cringy (i hope)  AND NOT OFFENDING. Anways, this is basically a fic of random shiz and my art, I'm not the best at it but I try. And if you do somehow find this fic in the void or your following me and want to give it a try pls critic me or give drawing hints at all if you have any! I love to read comments that can help anyway and PLEASE PLEASE tell me if I say anything offending AT ALL because I don't want this fic to end the same way like the last one did. Anyways, hope you enjoy this??? It's a drawing and with TERRIBLE commentary so don't have your hopes up to high but I hope you enjoy the fic anyway. Also the cover is my profile picture until I make my own

The NEW drawing/random shiz bookWhere stories live. Discover now