Teddy Bear

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Before I put the poem, please remember I wrote this in the 7th grade, and I am now in the 11th.  Fair warning.

At night before you sleep,

You pick me up with great speed.

I am your comfort.

I bring you joy.

I am your absolute favorite toy.

When you're scared,

You hold me close.

I'm like the horse

that pulls your coach,

When the thunder roll

And lightning strinks

I'll be there

When there is no light.

I am your shelter.

I am the key.

I can be whatever you need.

Now close your eyes

And go to sleep.

I'll be here with you

While you dream.

While I'm here

Please have no fear

For I am your teddy bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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