misunderstanding .

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  King walked back to his apartment, tears running down his puffy cheeks. He silently sobbed into his palms, wiping the snot off of his upper lip with his sleeve. The male slid down against the door as soon as he closed it, shaking as he did so. He tried to contain his urge to scream out in rage. How could he be so stupid? He was mad, angry, sad. But more than anything, he was heart broken.

  Why did I think he could ever love me...? He's so perfect, and I'm... I'm just, me. His eyes are so wonderful to look at, and when the sun shines down on them just right they look so beautiful. They sparkle in the sunlight. But not even the sun can compare to his bright smile. He doesn't smile often, but when he does, god it makes me so happy. He can light up my whole world with that smile. He does the smallest things, and just those alone can make me go crazy. Like when he simply rakes a hand through his hair, he makes this face as he tries to make it look natural. He does the cutest things, and they make my heart go crazy. Every little detail about him is just perfection. How did I expect someone like that to ever truly love me?

  King's cries become louder, him not being able to contain them anymore. King thought back to how happy he was only just an hour ago, until he heard something he wished he hadn't, so he could keep living in this perfect bubble. Alas, all good things must come to an end.

King walked out of his class, Bohn trailing close behind him.

  "King? You wanna come with me? I'm gonna go find Duen, and he'll most likely be with Ram." Bohn asked, laying a hand on the shorter males shoulder. King slightly smiled. The thought of seeing Ram made his heart speed up, and his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. 

  "Sure." He replied, trying not to show how truly happy he was about getting to see the other boy. "How are you and Duen? Are you guys excited for camping?" Bohn shrugged his shoulders, not sure of his answer.

  "Kinda. I guess I'm happy because I get to spend a whole 3 days with him, but we could do that here in town instead of out in the wilderness though." King nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets. The two engineering students walked to find the younger boys, who were probably sitting at their usual table.

  King stared off into the distance, admiring the beauty of nature. He'd always liked plants, especially Venus flytraps. It was all so interesting to him, and it was amazing that they'd gotten to live on such a beautiful planet. The trees varied from tall to short, some with lots of leaves, others lacking. The bushes had been freshly cut, taking the shape of rectangles. The grass had been mowed, the smell still lingering in the air. King inhaled the scent, then deeply exhaled, a content smile appearing on his pale face. One day, he'd like to travel the world, seeing what other countries had to offer.

  King looked up, the clouds from earlier not present anymore. The blue sky was also something he thought was gorgeous. To others it may just be plain and boring, but to King, it was another one of those things he could just stare in awe at for hours. He also loved the sunset, oh how much he loved it. Almost every night, he would take out his camera trying to capture the perfect photo of the colors merging together, the sun almost completely gone but that little speck of light still peeking over the horizon. He loved how the colors looked together, different mixes of blue, purple, orange, and yellow merging together to form one gradient of colors, creating the sunset he so very much adored.

"King? Why'd you stop walking?" Bohn asked, looking back at him from a few feet ahead.

  "Sorry. I got distracted by the beauty of nature. I'm sure you know how much I love plants. And in the past few months I've come to really love watching the sunset. Something about the variation of colors, and how they come together to make something gorgeous just makes me feel something I guess." He said, staring lovingly out into the world. Little did he know, his happy mood would be crushed in a few minutes.

  When the two came around the corner, they could now see the younger students. They were faced away from them, so they couldn't see the boys approaching. As they grew closer, they heard one of the males ask Ram,

  "Why do you even hang around with King? His obsession with plants and shit is so weird. What's wrong with that guy anyways? Do you really enjoy hanging with him?" Ram bit his lip, knowing what his answer was, but he didn't know if he should say it out loud or not.. He didn't want his friends to make fun of him for actually enjoying his seniors company, plus it's not like King would ever find out.

  "Of course I don't. I pity him? He seems like he has no friends, except Bohn, but they aren't very close anymore since Duen and him started dating." Ram answered. King stopped in his tracks. He glanced over to Bohn who was already staring at him, a pitiful frown forming. 

 "King.." he started, not knowing what to say. King shook his head, roughly swallowing. A single tear slipped down his cheek, rolling off his chin into the concrete. Many more tears followed after that, him not being able to control his feelings. When he started crying, which wasn't that often, he usually couldn't stop. Unfortunately, now was one of those times.

  Ram was the one person King felt like he could truly trust. He thought Ram enjoyed spending time with him, but he thought wrong. He was King's sun, because whenever he came around his world brightened up like it would in the sun's presence. But to Ram, he was nothing more than a boy he pitied. Who he only hung around with because he felt bad. 

Trying to now contain his tears, King manages to utter out a few words to Bohn.

  "Why couldn't he of just told me he didn't want to be my friend from the beginning?" King whispered, looking down at his shaking hands. He slumped against the wall, his shoulders drooping even farther down with every breath he took. He stayed in that position for a few minutes, trying to compose himself so he could walk out of there with the little dignity he had left. There were many people who'd already passed by and gave him strange, and concerning looks. King put his hand on the wall, pushing himself up off the wall. He then turned to Bohn, who was still standing next to him also leaning on the wall.

  "Tell Ram I say thank you for the happiness he gave me. Even if it wasn't genuine on his part, I really enjoyed the time we spent together." He mumbled, sniffling. King quickly walked off, heading straight to his dorm. 

I wrote this months ago, unpublished then and I'm now deciding to publish again because a few people actually enjoyed my crappy writing?? Anyways i went over it a bit because somethings were mis-worded and or cringey:) don't get me wrong though this whole thing is cringey<3 (edit, this will never be getting a second part, I apologize. If it did though, King would distance himself from Ram, Ram would confront him and they would talk it out+make up)

misunderstanding . (ramking, my engineer.)Where stories live. Discover now