The Day I First Met You.

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Santana's POV

I walked into the diner the next day with Berry for our graveyard shift when I noticed Dani sitting over in the corner of the diner filling up the ketchup bottles.

"Go talk to her" Rachel said while nudging me in the arm.

"No are you crazy, I can't just waltz up to her and start talking to her."

"Sure you can you are Santana Lopez, you always are confident around everyone. I can't believe you are nervous, you are so whipped and you haven't even officially met her yet! This is so exicting and cute!"

"Shut it Berry, fine I'll go just shut up!" Then a stormed off to the direction of Dani, once I got close I stopped and tried to clam myself down.

"Hey" I said and Dani looked up at me and smiled. God this going to harder than I thought. "Do you need any help."

"That would be great thank you Santana."

"How do you know my name?" Does she read minds?

"Um, You have a name tag." Duh, what is going on with me?! "And also Rachel told me about you."

"Oh really, well I dig your name. Did your parents like knew you were going to grow to be a lesbian giving you a boy name."

Then I noticed her smile suddenly drop.

"I'm not a lesbian." Oh Shit, Shit, Shit!

"Oh, Uh. You just wear so much eyeliner. I don't..."

My heart is going 100 miles an hour right now.

"No I'm totally kidding, I love lady parts." THANK GOD!!!! Wait did I hear that right.

"Dani is short for Danielle and no I don't think they knew." I smiled, she is quite funny actually.

"My parents are actually kind of d-bags, they caught me making out with a girl in the basement and all hell broke loose. So I grabbed my guitar and never looked back. What about you."

Shit do I mention Brittany or my abulea. I don't know. 

"My parents were pretty cool, grandma not so much. I had a girlfriend and she was bi."

"Any chance of you guys getting back together." Oh shit, she looks so good with her head resting on her fist. But more importantly, is she trying to get with me. I really hope so really. I want to move on from Brittany, sure she was my first real love but I'm in New York and maybe been here with Dani is my future. So after making up my mind, I respond:

"I love her, but that's over."

"I mean it's proberbly for the best." Maybe it is. "I think you need a 100% sapphic goddess."

Oh my god her smile, her eyes, just everything. I have really lost it now, she is so perfect but I'm still so scared. After a pause I finally respond (or at least attempt to)

"Um, I think I gonna get the salt, the salt sh-shakers."

I look down at my hand and notice how sweaty it is before running off to the counter to find Rachel poucing towards me whispering so only I would hear.

"Oh My God, I am sensing some serious energy exchanges happening over there."

"No No, help me okay." Then I look over at Dani, she gives me a small wave which I'm suprised didn't make me melt into a puddle. Then looking back at Rachel I tell her the one thing that makes me even more scared.

"I'm getting that stinky panic sweat under my boobs."

"Why she's cute, she's sweet, she's gay ask her out"

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