Part 1

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In the small costal town of luminaire the market was bustling with people. Tazia Zurns was running down the pathway, her coin pouch jingling with the bronze coins her mother had given her to get a sticky bun at the market. She got her sticky bun from the lady at the bakery stand and sat down to take a big bite. Suddenly, she heard shouting! She looked towards where it was coming from and saw there was a huge tsunami coming towards the town. She ran down, yelling at the top of her voice. Everyone started running towards the hill at the edge of the town. She turned to run, but tripped and fell. From the top of the hill her  mother was screaming and starting to climb dawn the hill. It's too late, she thought, and the next moment she could feel herself getting swept  away from the town. "Nooooooo!" She called, but it was two late.             

She awoke some time later in a  place that was not her home. The sand on the beach was dark red, and the tall forest trees were glowing faintly blue. She realised there was a storm brewing above her, and there was flickers of lightning all around. suddenly, lightning struck down right beside her. She started running but heard a bang! There was a flash of light,then everything went black.

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