Platform 9/3/4

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I woke up at around 6:30am and started getting ready to go to platform 9/3/4. My mum wasn't awake yet so I went to her room and started shaking her. "Wake up mum!" I said. She groaned and asked what time it was I told her it was 6:37am. "Go back to sleep y/n!" She said annoyed. "I can't! I'm too excited, get up!" I left to go back to my room to go get ready. I quickly brushed my hair, changed out of my pyjamas and brushed my teeth. I packed my trunk and grabbed my pet owl. I ran downstairs and my mum was making tea. "When can we leave mum?" I asked. "In a few hours." She replied. I sat down in the living room and started reading, the time actually went by pretty quick as it was now time to leave.

We arrived at King's Cross Station and my mum and I were confused on where to go. Mum asked someone where platform 9/3/4 is and he looked at her like she had 2 heads and walked away. We suddenly saw what looked like a family walk by and had similar stuff to what I had on my trolley. I followed them and tapped on the woman's shoulder. She turned around, "Hello dear, what can I help you with?" She asked. I replied, "I'm looking for platform 9/3/4 but I can't find it anywhere.."  She pointed to a wall, "Well you see that wall, just run through it and you'll be there!" I did what she said and I was at a totally different train station. "Wow" was all I could say. I looked around in awe. My mum came seconds after me and looked as amazed as I was, she asked me, "Ready to go?" I smiled and nodded. She walked with me to the train and hugged me goodbye and I stepped on. I didn't look for anywhere to sit right away I just wanted to mess with people first. I saw a couple people sitting somewhere so I tried to remember a few spells I studied from some books I read. I used aguamenti and made the water fall on their heads. They all gasped and shot their heads up, their eyes landed on me and they looked furious so I ran away. As I turned to look back from where I came from I ran into someone as I ran forward and fell. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" I said as I looked up and was met face to face to a guy with ginger hair. He said, "I can see that, I'm Fred by the way. Fred Weasley." I slightly smiled and realized I was zoned out staring at him. I quickly snapped out of it and blushed. "I'm y/n y/l/n."  "Wanna come sit with me and my brother?" He asked. I said "Sure!"

As Fred was turning into where he was sitting I quickly shoved him in and locked the door. He turned around and gave me a confused look and I just pointed at the angry people that were soaked. I just started laughing and sat down. Him and his brother both raised their eyebrow at me. I explained what I did to them and they also began to laugh. Fred introduced me to his brother. "Y/n this is George my brother." Fred said. "Nice to meet you George, I'm y/n." He smiled at me. Fred asked, "So you like to prank people, y/n?"  "Yes! I love the look on people's faces!" I replied, then asked. "What house do you guys wanna be in?" They both replied, "Gryffindor!" In unison. I said, "Same." I then leaned against the window and fell asleep.

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