Kings and Queens

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Notify me of your death, and I shall notify you of my sorrow.

     Kings and queens.

To love is not to sin. But when one loves, they get punished. You were punished for loving. As if you had committed a deadly sin, you got punished.

You are the ocean, and I am the shore. You are the glimmering, brilliant stars, and I am the dark veil of night. You are my king, and I am your queen.

You are bright, but you are jealous, and that is a sin you committed. Not loving with all your heart, but loving with the hatred in that heart is your sin. Do not hate and look me only in the eyes, but you looked past my shoulder instead and hated.

I love you, but you don't hate me, and for you, that is enough.

Kings and queens. One has more power than the other, but you'd be surprised to hear which. You who control the nation and its people could not control your jealousy, and I who has to just sit and look pretty can tell you that you need to stop.

Look me in the eye, but you look away.

Sinning. You have not sinned except in your mind where dark thoughts rest. Your heart may be heavy, but mine is heavier, and I ask that you let this burdensome weight fly away so that our hearts may be light.

Perhaps if things go your way, you will be at ease, but you may also be filled with a sudden emptiness, and that is far worse than being filled with rage.

You love me, but you do not because the thing you love more than me is revenge. To be upped by such a thing is far from an honor, and I hope that one day I will come first.

Be at ease, but do not be anxious. Smile because it may be easier than frowning.

Kings and queens. I am your queen. Remember that and trust me. You are my king. I will follow you because you are my king and I am your queen.

Maybe your worst sin will be to not love. Or maybe you are not sinning and it is I who is because I am already living in hell. Maybe my sin is that I did not love you enough. But I love you, and you love me, and we love each other, so maybe our sins are that we loved each other too much.

Your eyes are beautiful and bright, but they are also beautiful and dark. Look me in the eye, but do not blink. You closed your eyes, and I can see your dark eyelashes.

One day you may understand what it is that we should have done. Maybe we should have looked at each other and smiled instead of frowning. Maybe the only time you should have frowned was when I looked away, but only I was the one to do that.

You say that you will protect me and you will keep me safe. The only way to do that is to keep me in your arms, not pointing the tip of your sword and sharp words at someone else's chest. Stay by me, but you leave my side. Wipe my tears, but instead, you cry.

Kings and queens. We were made for each other, but you refuse to take the time.

More than anything, I ask of you to relieve your hate. To release your jealousy. To let go of your anger. I want you to stop your rage and start loving me.

You are a king. A king filled with sins and hate. But you are a king filled with love. You let go of one and keep the other. One is more powerful, but you'd be surprised to hear which.

Power comes with a price and perhaps yours was forgetting what's important. You were blinded by your power, and your price was heavy enough to forget that there is something other than power that waits by your side.

Eyelashes and eyelids but no eyes. Open your eyes. Do not stay in the dark and do not be blinded. My fingertips brush your eyelashes, but your fingers brush my waist for only a fleeting moment. Then, the only heaviness is in my chest.

You may be handsome, but there is something ugly and monstrous about you that will go away as soon as you realize the beauty of life.

With love also comes sorrow, and that may make you feel afraid. Afraid that I may leave you or afraid that I will not love you. But know that I love you more than you love me and that there is nothing to fear.

In this hellish life we are living, perhaps our sins are that we aren't trying hard enough. Loving is not a sin, yet we are punished, so we are scared to love, and we are punished even more. Nothing can get worse than this, so can we at least try?

Kings and queens. You and I. You and I are a king and a queen. The nation is our child, and the nation is blooming and beautiful, so why can't we be blooming and beautiful?

You are forcing the sorrow that should be following me to follow you instead. You are taking my problems and trying to solve them, but they cannot be solved, so let them be forgotten, and let's fix us instead.

Eyes. Sometimes, I do see yours, but you are not looking at me but glaring at someone else. Eyes see through light, but yours see through darkness. Seeing is believing, and you believe that you are right.

Our nation sees you powerful, but I honestly see you as quite weak. Weak under the pressure of hate.

You and I. There is only a "you and I," so why is there not a "we?" Us. Such a simple word but so powerful. You are mine and I am yours, but we are not each other's. We. You want to be you, but I want to be us.

The weight of the world rests on your shoulders, and I am here to help you with the burden, but you say my shoulders are fragile, and on top of that, your heart is heavy too. You are strong, but you can only go so far.

Jealousy. What are you jealous of? You are the most powerful man in the nation, and I love you, so what more do you need?

Kings and queens. That's all we are. Nothing more, nothing less. I would rather be less if it means for you to open your eyes.

Eyes. Yours are beautiful, but yours are filled with sin.

Loving is not a sin, but you chose to sin.

These are my final words to you. I love you.

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