᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - five

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"miwa hi!" mrs park hugs her excitingly. miwa is her favorite niece out of all nieces and nephews she has.

"are you going to stay here?" she asked her as she went in the kitchen to prepare some drinks.

"just for awhile auntie, since mom and dad are still busy at this hour. so i just decided to stay here rather than being alone in the house." she said.

it's true, the house will become boring if only one person left in the house. it makes you have chills and have this weird feelings. that's why she rather stay in someone else's house.

jihoon motions her to follow him in his bedroom. don't get it wrong, they are already use to this. sometimes, all they did is playing video games together, watch some movies or maybe jihoon shows off his things.

"make yourself at home." jihoon open his drawer then took out his favorite purple shirt.

miwa chuckles at him. "you told me that many times, of course."

"well bleh. by the way, i need to change my shirt. no peeking." jihoon gave her a playful glare with his index finger pointing at her. he is standing in front of his bathroom while miwa is sitting on the edge of his bed.

"never!" miwa scrunched up her nose.

jihoon stuck out his tongue at her and immediately went in the bathroom, leaving miwa alone in the room.

while she was there, she decided to walk around his room. his room was perfectly organized and smart. jihoon is a clean guy which explains why he was so neat and tidy. she walks around his study table that sticks on the wall. a few instax film is hanged there, she took a closer look to it.

it's a picture of jihoon's friends. she saw a picture of jihoon with mashiho, she took it and observes it.

takata mashiho hm. she thought.

she felt something about him, something different yet, something? it was hard to describe it. she kept staring at the picture while nibbling her lower lips.


"AH!" miwa screamed at the top of her lungs which makes jihoon laugh so hard.

"it ain't funny," miwa crossed her arms over her chest, pouting with a fast pace heartbeat beacuse of the jump.

"okay okay, i'm sorry alright?" jihoon calms down after the laugh. he put his arm arounds miwa's shoulder to see miwa holding a picture of him with mashiho.

"what's with the picture? am i that handsome?" jihoon smirks at her.

miwa raised her eyebrows, hitting his arm playfully. "of course you are handsome. it's just, about this friend of yours. mashiho. what kind of person he is actually?" miwa asked him curiously.

she wants to know how mashiho is.

jihoon gave her a questioning look. why would she asked about mashiho? i'm not jealous but out of all my friends, mashiho?? he thought.

"why . . . would you asked?" he let go of miwa then took out his phone under his pillow.

"nothing. just curious," she shrugs, putting back the picture from where it was then turn around only to see jihoon's serious face in front of her. his hands on the table on each side of miwa.

"do you like him?" jihoon leaned closer with his eyes darkened.

miwa stares at him uncomfortably. if mr or mrs park open the door, they will totally doom. miwa put her hands on jihoon's hard chest, trying to push him away but it's no use. he was hard like a statue.

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