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Zander rammed his locker closed, ignoring the stares from his classmates and best friend. "I can't believe he did it again!"
His friend, Riley, patted him on the back.

"What did he do now Zan?"

"He fucking kissed her! Right in front of me too! Some nerve he has one of these days I'll—"

"Calm down, people are watching dude." Riley shushed, pulling his best friend closer to whisper. "Now, from the beginning."

"It was after football practice and I was going to confirm our date that weekend and when I found her, they were sucking faces!" Zander tried to keep his voice down, but he truly didn't care if others heard him.

"Well..." Riley trailed off, "in his defense, you weren't officially dating her or anything." He looked at Zander's face and immediately started to backtrack, "I-I mean of course what he did was wrong but, you know..."

"No, I don't know Riley, why don't you enlighten me." Zander said while crossing his arms.

Riley sighed, "Just... let him be man. The year is almost over." His eyes lit up, "Speaking of! I heard someone was throwing a huge party this weekend~"

Zander scoffed.

"C'mon man, what's a better way to solve a broken heart than getting shit-faced at someone else's house?" He wrapped his arm around Zander's shoulder. "You may even get lucky." He teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

Zander smiled, holding back a laugh. "Fuck it, why not. Sounds good Rye."

While they walked to class Zander felt someone walk pass his shoulder, causing him to stagger.
"What the fuck man, watch it!" Zander warned, turning to face the asshat built like a brick.


When he saw it was none other than the king of dicks himself, Henry, he had to hold himself back from hitting him. Riley noticed and grabbed his arm, tugging lightly to get his attention. "It's okay man, we were just distracted. Right Zan?"

Zander clenched his teeth, even if he did try and fight him — and boy did he want to, the height and muscle difference between the two were good enough to give him a disadvantage. Zander stood at 5'8 and had a runner's body, Henry was 6'2 and built as you imagine a quarterback would be. Then again he had Riley to even it out...


Zander snapped back into reality, "What?" He cringed at the malice in his voice when he said that.

Riley brushed it off, "Henry is going to the party next weekend and I was thinking we should all carpool." He leaned in closer the Zander and whispered, "Please Zander, he has a car and isn't asking for money."

"If he's going count me out," Zander said without much thought.

"Excuse me?"

Oh shit.

He looked back at Riley who was pinching his nose in annoyance and decided to swallow the next words out of his mouth and took a deep breath. "Nothing, wasn't talking to you." With that he turned around and started to walk away, pulling his best friend with him.

"Dude, not cool." Riley commented when they were out of ear shot of Henry. "I know you hate him but it's only for a night and you don't even have to talk to him. Just be in his presence for 15 minutes, that's all I ask." He said while giving him puppy dog eyes.

God how Zander was weak to those eyes. "Fine. But don't expect me to enjoy it!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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