Felicitas Description

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-Name: Felicitas Cimorelli.
-Nicknames: Feli (the guys, sensei and April), Big-F (Casey or whatever he is called in the movie please just tell me what is called the guy that is with April in the reporter please ^^'), Felu or babe (Leo), Moroun (Dani), Grown up (Lisa).
-Age: 17 years.
-Weapons: Kusarigamas and almost Katanas.
-Favorite color: Blue.
-Friends (Girls): Dani (little sister), Destiny (cousin), Lisa (Big sister) and April.
-Firends (Boys): Raph, Donnie and Mikey (Leo's brothers) and Casey.
-Enemies: Shredder (the turtles enemie) and Rex (a dog).
-Hair color: dark brown.
-Eyes color: dark brown.
-Power: she is able to transform into a wolf.
-Wolf fur: Gray with brown in the snout with withe in the chest stomach half of the paws and half of the tail and golden eyes.
-Crush: Leo.
-Likes: wolf, sing, rap, draw, cats and skateboard.
-Dislikes: all enemies and not begin able to help the others.
-Personality: Responsable, protective, somtimes such a hothead and a stubborn person, a little bit of a childish and a tomboy.
-Outfit: A blue short tanktop with a black shirt down the blue tanktop have a black wolf face on it, black riped jeans, dark blue converse, wolf tail, ears and fangs.
(The Outfit is going to change in others chapters).
-Background story: Felicitas Cimorelli was walking in the street whe she get suronded by the foot Clan she begin mad and pissed off was in a hothead mode not able to think right what was going on and attack them getting her mutated on the fight to a wolf and then 2 minutes pass and she runs away runnig accidently to the turtles crashing on the red clad turtle (Raphael) and then with her new ears listen footsteps and start to growls backing off and feels that her back touch something and looks up and see him a blue clad turtle with blue shapphire eyes (Leonardo) and she gulps a little then looks to the front and see the Foot clan but her hothead part came again out and try to attack the Foot Clan but the blue clad turtle grabs her arm carefully and bring her to his back and stands infront of her protectibly.
-Character make by: FeluEugeni (the author of the book).

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