I remember the last time I went to a dance, what was the happiest day of my life quickly turned into a nightmare from hell. That night I was going to ask a very important question to the girl I love.
When I went to pick up my love, she was standing on the steps waiting for me. You could tell she was nervous from the way she stood there. Looking at the ground and tapping her foot impatiently.
Her blue eyes shone brightly with nervous excitement, her shiny hair had been done up with a series of braids and ringlets. There were a few loose strands here and there. If you looked at her hair just right you could see ribbons intertwined with the braids. She even had little gems in her hair.
The dress she wore was a white silver, it was covered in sparkles. The straps were loose fitting and rested on her arms, right below her shoulders. Sparkly silver flats could be seen peeking out from under the dress. As she walked down the steps her dressed trailed out behind.
When we got to the dance everyone was dancing and having a good time, a lot of people glanced, looked, and stared at us. Some of them even came over and greeted us. As they did there was my beautiful angel in a crowd of friends smiling and laughing.
We joined our friends and danced as a group for awhile but then a slow song started playing. My love and I were forced together before we could even move. She draped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her. Then we started dancing.
She looked at me and told me that she loved me and I told her that in return. Just as the song was about to end, she collapsed in my arms. I sat down on the floor as she laid motionless in my arms and on my lap. I yelled for help as blood started flowing out of her mouth from between her lips.
Just as help came, I kissed her lips as they took her away. That night I held her hand in the hospital. The next morning she passed away after I asked her my question and she said yes. That was the last time I ever danced.