[ Dom Shanks x Brat OC ]

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Hi, I'm extremely horny, I need to relief myself, but I'm single and lonely so enjoy this. I will pour my lust into this, enjoy it ~

Also this is happening when Shanks still had BOTH his arms!!
Oc name: Nia

*Major OCC*

I was walking around the boat only to see my crew mates and captain gathered around in a circle, bottles of alcohol in the middle with a gigantic cup in front of every one of them. I facepalmed, signing to myself at this scene.

I truly cannot comprehend, why the hell is my captain like this, they do not look like the Red-haired Pirates, I have heard about, especially the so-called Red-Haired Shanks, legendary and powerful pirate in the Grand Line, the captain of the Red Haired Pirate Crew and one of the Four Emperors in the second half of the grand line. Where is it? Because, I don't fucking see it?!

Why did I join them again? It's already been two months since I joined them, I thought it would be nice to know what all the fuss was about, but it was for nought, literally. All I do here is Party and drink alcohol.

Unexpected, and unfortunately I can't control my heart leading me to fall in love with my foolish captain of mine, yes I think he's mine, I'm delusional, fuck me.

I have goddamn wet dream about him every single time, it's insane!! I can't stand it anymore, atlas I can't do anything to relief my sexual frustration.

"Guys what are you doing now?" I asked, with a deadpan tone. They looked over at me, and one of them spoke out, "We're play a game~" I was curious now, I liked games to say the least. "What kind?" Yasopp answered this time, "Oh, You get a truth or dare from some and if you complete your dare or answer your truth, truthfully you won't have to drink, If you drink the least, you get three barrels of alcohol!!" He grinned.

"Hmm, okay. I'll join." I said simply sitting next to shanks, "really?!" They all said, sounding surprised, "Yeah, why not." Shanks grinned at me and said, "Awesome! Let's start!!"

Skip to when it was Her turn~

"Nia Turth or Dare?" Benn asked me with a smirk. Feeling slightly worried, I answered "D-dare?" I was really scared at what he was going to pick now, his smirk widened.

"I dare you to stay locked in a room with Shanks for one hour straight." He simply said, My jaw dropped almost instantly. Why? Why would you do this to me? They all looked at me for my answer. I just walked to my room, they silently looked at me, I'm not going to lose this, I am competitive and I refuse to lose.

"Shanks get your ass up and let's go." I said, Knowing that I would regret my choice later on. "Okay, coming!!" Shanks yelled, running over to me.

I sat on my bed, looked at him, "so what do we do now?" I asked seriously, "I don't know." He shrugged in response. I signed, getting bored already, and unfortunately, my hormones were acting up again, it was only a little when I saw him, but now being aware that he and I were in one room ALONE was driving me crazy, my body craved his touch, his caress, and his kisses.

I shivered at that thought with thrill. Of course this didn't escape Shanks gaze, causing his eyes to widen in surprise before it disappeared without a trace.

"I stole two bottles, you want to drink one?" He asked, with excitement. "Uhm, okay." I really needed a drink right now. I drank the whole bottle in one gulp and snatched the other bottle, not getting drank due to my tolerance, "Oi! That was mine!" I didn't listen and kept chucking down the bottle until it was finished.

I wasn't drank at all still, but my hormones have taken over- I threw myself at shanks, "What are you doing?!" He asked worried. "I want you to touch me ~" I said, dazedly looking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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