A plan put into motion

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Your P.O.V

It's seven in the morning and my alarm clock goes off again. The most annoying sound in the entire world. But I'm prepared for it. I've been away since 4:39 in the morning. And since I slept in that parts and service room for seven hours, I didn't need to worry about sleeping. But that's not the reason I woke up this early. I've been sneaking around the orphanage looking for items that I could use to get to Freddy's and free Springtrap. I've even been looking for something to distract the night guard. So far I have the keys I stole earlier in the night, a crowbar, some spare batteries for my flashlight, some snacks for when I get hungry and an axe to protect myself from any animatronic out to kill me. I pack everything in a spare backpack Mike gave me and hide it under my bed. I then turn my alarm clock off and crawl back into bed. Then five seconds later, as I expected, Mrs Lategan calls me downstairs.

"DRAKE DEAR! COME DOWN. IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST." I hear her say. I ruffle my hair and rub my eyes to make it seem like ive just woken up.

"FINE! I'M COMING." I say. I then very slowly crawl out of bed and walk down the stairs, rubbing my eyes and fake yawning when I get to the bottom.

"Hey everyone." I say sitting at the table with all the other kids.

"Yo Drake, where were you yesterday?" One of them ask.

"Yeah, Mike noticed that you weren't with us when we got back. So where were you?" Another kid asks.

"Freddy's, in the back room. I was locked in there until 12AM." I say. I look up and see their shocked faces.

'Wait, you were stuck in the backroom at Freddy's?" One of the kids ask.

"Yeah. It wasn't really that scary though." I say.

"Not scary? Dude, you were trapped in the backroom of a place where six kids were murdered! SIX KIDS!" Another one of the kids say.

"If those rumors were true about the serial killer still hiding in that pizzaria then you'd find my body inside that Freddy Fazbear animatronic, yet here I am sitting at the dinner table talking to all of you ." I scoff. Everyone's faces then twist into faces of slight fear and excitement. That's when Mrs Lategan comes and interrupts it.

"I think it's for the best that we stop talking about Freddy Fazbear's. I see now that it was a mistake taking you all there for lunch." She says coming to me.

"Drake, I'm so sorry for what happened. Are you alright?" She says.

"It's okay Mrs. I forgive you. Plus I'm fine." I say.

"Okay then. Now, since its Friday today, then I would love for you all to finish breakfast so I can take you to school." She says. She then walks out of the room. Me and the other boys then all finish our breakfast and get ready for school. I grab my backpack, Mike grabs his, and the two of us start walking to school. I know that Mrs Lategan said that she'd take us to school, but me and Mike always walk to school. She knows that, and she doesn't mind at all. She knows that we can take care of ourselves. We are fifteen after all.

"So Drake, exactly how are you going to get into Freddy's?" Mike asks me.

"With the keys, obviously." I say.

"No, I mean, how are you going to get out of the orphanage without anyone catching you? Mrs Lategan might notice you gone." Mike says concerned.

"Why else do you think I asked you to make me a dummy to fool her with? As long as I mark it back before my alarm clock rings, then I'll be fine. I told you this last night doofus." I say.

"You did? Then I must not have been listening." He says shrugging. I let out a long sigh and facepalm.

"Never mind. I'll tell you after school." I tell him before walking into the schoolyard. This is gonna be a long day at school, especially since I know that I have someone to see tonight. I'll just have to ouch throug the school day, just like every other day of my life.

▪▪▪After school

Finally, the school day is over. Good god, that was probably he longest school day in the history of school days. But at least I can start with my plan as soon as we get back at the orphanage. We make it there at 3:49, as always. The rest of the day goes on like normall. But when bedtime comes around, thats when me and Mike put our plan into motion. For fifteen year olds, bedtime is 10:00. As soon as it hits 10 pm, I say goodnight to Mrs Lategan and wait for her to go to bed. As soon as she is, I slowly rush to my room to and see Mike already awake and ready to execute our plan.

"We ready?" He whispers to me.

"Yeah. Mrs Lategan is snoring, so she's sure to be asleep. Now let's put this plan into motion." I whisper back. With that me and Mike get the dummy stashed in the basement and put it in my bed. I shape it so that its at an angle that Mrs Lategan won't be able to tell that its not me, just in case she decides to check up on us. Then me and Mike set up a system that turns my head back and forth every time anyone opens the door. It takes us about twenty five minutes to set it up. Our plan almost complete. All that's left is for me to change, get my backpack, turn the lights of and head to Freddy's. It takes about half an hour to be there on foot, so I'll have plenty of time to get there before twelve. I just have to make sure I have everything. Keys, axe, snacks, crowbar, batteries, yeah that's everything. I then sneak to the front door and quietly unlock it and slip out there before locking it again with a spare key to the orphanage. I then chuck it I'm my pocket and make my way to Freddy's, ready and waiting to see Springtrap again. I just hope I could get him out of that room. Nah, what am I talking about. I will get him out of there. I have to.

▪▪▪Half an hour later

I finally make it to Freddy's at about 11:05 PM. I see no car in the parking lot, so then that must mean that the night guard isn't here yet. Thank God for that. I wouldn't wanna get busted. I walk to the front door, get out he keys I took from the night guard and unlock the doors before walking in. The place is dark, but not too dark. Since I've been here a few days ago, I remember where things are pretty well. Lets just say that I have a bit of a photographic memory. I make it to the parts and service room without a problem and open the door. It's unlocked, perfect. I then feel around the room and find my flashlight. I try shining it around the room, but when I press the button, nothing happens. Good thing I came prepared. I reach for the batteries in my bag and put them into the torch. They do their job and the torch lights up. I shine it around the room and see that, nothing has changed at all. It's still exactly the same as when I left it. The cardboard bed, the Golden Bonnie plush, everything is where it was before, which is perfect. I take Golden Bonnie and hold him in my hands for a while before sitting on the bed and putting him in my bag. Now that that's done, all I have to do is close the door and wait for 12 AM. That shouldn't be too hard, right?


Chapter 5 is complete! It came out pretty well in my opinion. I mean, for me anything over 1000 words but under 1700 words is perfect and 1360 words is right in that range. As for the whole plot to the story, its going pretty well. I'm excited to see how it ends. But anyways, thats it for now, I'll see you all later.

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