Chapter 1: A New Time

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A/N Okay so this is my very first fanfic. I love Doctor Who and I hope I do an okay job writing this story, I'm gonna change a few minor things, but other than that it will be original to the storyline. If I get anything wrong please tell me so I can fix it. Thanks all


The young woman looked up from the TARDIS console as the ship shook violently again. “Oh crap.” She whispered as she looked up at the monitor and saw the giant black hole filling it. She didn’t know what to do the TARDIS was already caught in the black hole’s gravitational field, and even with pushing the engines as hard as she could she couldn’t break free. It was too late, the door of the TARDIS blew open and before she could react the girl was sucked out of the ship and into space, she had just enough time to activate her portable stasis field. A device she had invented mere months before, that puts you in a simple state of cryogenic type sleep. Perfect for Time Lords, as the now sleeping woman and her empty TARDIS drifted into the black hole, there was a distant flash of light as Gallifrey the Time Lord’s home planet was destroyed.

       Doctor’s P.O.V.

           “ I flew around the controls doing everything I could to stabilize the TARDIS in front of the new star field surrounding a white hole. The humans deemed them only theoretical, you can’t really see them, unlike black holes, but they are there; and I had just found one. I was so proud of myself. The starfield was amazing, as I looked up at the monitors to check my position. As I did I noticed something floating out there in the starfield, it looked like a person, but it couldn’t be, no one can survive out in space unprotected; I didn’t care who they were. They must be protected by a force field of some kind? I thought as I activated a tractor beam to bring in the person out there in space. As they were pulled into the TARDIS, I saw it was a woman, I scanned her and she was being protected by a stasis field, which is odd because stasis fields don’t exist. I thought as I deactivated the field with the sonic screwdriver and put a blanket over the girl.

     As I turned her over to get a better look at her, I let out a gasp as I realized who it was, “Electra” I said. “I thought you were dead.” I whispered to her as I picked her up and carried her to her old room. I put her in some fresh p.j.’s.

    Yep, I thought to myself, nothing has changed on her at all. I did some more scans, and when I was sure there was nothing wrong with her. I left to go do some work on the TARDIS, she would wake up when she’s ready. “And then there will be hell to pay.” I whispered to myself as I left.

Electra’s P.O.V.

      As I woke up I didn’t  know where I was at first, it was dark and as I took a deep breath, I realized immediately where I was. The TARDIS, I smiled, “Lights please.” The lights flickered on as I got out of bed. I was excited because this wasn’t my TARDIS it was The Doctor’s TARDIS, and I was dying to see him. He had rescued me, which meant that the war was over, and we could be together again. I thought as I left the room and started walking down the halls towards the console room. As I walked I started humming me and The Doctor’s song, Fly Me To The Moon. By Frank Sinatra, He dedicated it to us the first time he sang it. I reached the doorway to the console room and paused, I peeked around the room and gasped when I saw how different the console room was. “He remodeled?” I whispered to myself, I saw he was under the console working and thought I would sneak up on him, surprise him. As I snuck down the stairs, quiet as a mouse, tiptoed up behind him, smiled, put my hands over his eyes and said “Guess Who?” In my flirtiest voice.

Doctor’s P.O.V.

     As I felt Electra’s hands come over my eyes I smiled and turned around, when I did she screamed and started backing away. I had forgotten that I had regenerated since she last saw me. “Electra it’s okay it’s me the Doctor” I said trying to calm her.

    “Your different?” she said still frightened, but a spark of confidence now appearing in her eyes. “Yes I’ve regenerated since you last saw me. Quite a few times actually.” I said looking deep into her eyes and smiling, oh how I’ve missed those beautiful blue yes. “What do you mean? We saw each other just a few months ago, how could you have regenerated that many times since I last saw you?”

   Oh no I hadn’t even thought that she wouldn’t have any perception of time in the stasis field, for her the war was still ongoing, she didn’t know anything about what happened. “Oh Electra I’m so sorry.” I said tears forming in my eyes “Love you have been in that stasis field for hundreds of years, the war is over Gallifrey and Gallaria are gone, they were destroyed, the war is over… everyone except for you, and me, is dead. I’m so sorry.”

     I saw the shock register in her eyes and the tears started to flow, she sank to her knees and began to sob. I knelt down and took her in my arms trying to calm her. I felt her trembling as the sobs racked her body, I stroked her hair and held her tight. After I felt her start to calm down a little I picked her up and carried her to her room, I put her on the bed and layed down with her; still holding her in my arms. I could feel her tears soaking into my jacket, I felt so sorry for her.

Electra’s P.O.V.

         I couldn’t believe what he had just told me. Hundreds of years? It was impossible, it didn’t seem like I was asleep that long, but the Doctor, he had changed so much, there was no resemblance of the one I had known. Which meant that a lot of time had to pass, because usually his new regenerations; look vaguely like the one he was before. But my version had dark blonde hair, not dark brown hair.

     “How many times?”

   “What do you mean?” he asked, “How many times have you regenerated since I last saw you?” “Oh at least half a dozen maybe more.” “That’s a lot.” ‘Yea it is, but what’s the verdict how do you like my new self?” he asked with a hint of mischief in his voice.

     “I don’t know I really didn’t get that good of a look at you cause I freaked then I totally spaced out.” “well, we are just going to have to fix that.” Said the Doctor releasing me from his arms and jumping up. “What do you think of the new me!” He said spinning around, then striking model poses making me giggle at his antics.

     I took it all in, he was taller now, with dark hair and beautiful green eyes, his face was thinner, and while he was handsome it was in that kind of odd way that makes you do a double take. He had on a tweed jacket and a stupid bow tie, that would have looked absolutely horrendous on anyone but him.

     “Not bad” I said a small smile forming on my face, “I liked my version better though.” “Oi! I like this body!” he said with a pout on his face and sitting back down. “your version of me was horrible.” “No he wasn’t he reminded me of my dad.” I said cuddling up against him again.

      At least he still smelled the same though. Like dust and space and time itself, and the faint smell of that horrid cologne he had gotten on Rizal 5 on our honeymoon all those years ago. How I hated that cologne at first, he of course had loved it. we always were opposites, everything he hated I loved and vice versa. Gosh did I love that man.

      Doctor’s P.O.V.

        After Electra had fallen asleep I sat with her for awhile. But eventually I just couldn’t be close to her anymore, I still loved her, and worse yet, I had to tell her I was remarried. I couldn’t do that to her, she just lost her fathers home world in her mind, I couldn’t take myself away from her, I couldn’t bear to watch her heart break again so soon. I would just have to put it off for as long as possible, and try to keep some distance between me and her so I didn’t do anything stupid and hurt River.  He couldn’t hurt two of the women he loved at once. He just couldn’t. I arrived at my room took off my jacket and tie and layed down, I didn’t even have the will to put my pajamas on. I was under too much stress, I didn’t know what to do.

     A/N Okay so thats it, for the first chapter! What did you all think? Please tell me I would love  and am dying to know!


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