Poison In Our Blood

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I can safely say I wasn’t expecting Felicity to show up in New York too. But as soon as I walk into that Big Belly Burger near Times Square, there she is. Still as beautiful as ever. Still as smart as ever, no doubt. And still as in love with Big Belly Burgers as ever.

She’s right at the end of the line, so all I have to do is come up behind her and say, “I’m sure you remember the names of all the poisonous chemicals in these things, right?”

Felicity stiffens, then turns around, grinning from ear to ear. “Barry, if you try to make me feel guilty about my burger love one more time, I swear to God I’ll-”

“What? Try and punch my lights out? Good luck with that.” I snicker. Then we hug. It’s been months since we last saw each other. Last time that happened, I’d ended up attacking her own superhero teammate. Worst mistake of my life. Well, before confessing my feelings to Iris. But right now, it’s as if we’ve only been apart for a day or two. That’s what I love about Felicity - it’s so easy to slip into a conversation with her. Birds of a geeky feather and all that.

“So, how are things in Starling?” I ask after we get our burgers and start eating them while still on foot. “Didn’t you recently have a little thing with Oliver Queen gettin’ legally dead - again?”

“Once again,” Felicity laughs, “reports of Ollie’s death were greatly exaggerated.”

“Guy’s like a cat, isn’t he?” I ask as we head into Central Park. Even though Christmas has come and gone, there’s still a big, beautiful, well-lit tree right there in front of the entrance. “He must have nine lives.”

“As a scientist, you ought to know that’s just a myth,” Felicity jokes.

“And I also ought to know that humans reaching supersonic speeds on their own is impossible,” I point out, totally deadpan. “Along with all the other crazy crap those metahumans in Central City can do.”

Felicity laugh out loud as I move on to my second of four burgers, throwing away the wrapper of the first. I’d told the cashier at Triple-B that I was buying them all for an office party on Madison Avenue.

Soon, we come up to a bridge over a frozen pond. We stop and stand by the edge of the bridge, looking down on the ice below.

“So what brings you to New York, then?” Felicity asks me. “I’m here ‘cause Ollie said I could do with a break after our latest little debacle. You don’t wanna know - I’m not sure I believed half of it myself.”

I smile at Felicity. “And me, it’s the same sort of thing. Everyone at STAR Labs decided to shell out money for my airfare. Seriously. I mean, having to depend on people lendin’ me money? I’m a millenial, it’s what we do.” I sneak a glance over Felicity’s shoulder, seeing something moving around in the trees to the side of the pond. But since I’m on vacation, I decide to put a damper on my superhero instinct - for now, anyway. “But hey, they were right - I needed a break. After all the awkwardness at Christmas, and the whole Captain Cold and Heat Wave thing-”

Felicity breaks into laughter again. “I’m sorry,” she says, taking a bite of her burger so she can have something to do while she thinks of something else to say. “I just forgot how much that Cisco guy likes to come up with silly code names.”

“Yeah, I guess I’m not the biggest comic-book geek in the house anymore.” I look up just in time to see a shiny silver object jump out over the pond, leaving a trail behind it. “Huh. What was that?”

“What was-” Felicity begins, only for the words to be taken from her mouth at the sight of another silver object appearing and leaving a trail. This one lands on the side of the bridge, only a few inches below my hands, leaving what looked like a solid splatter pattern of some kind. I lean down and poke the trail behind it - which isn’t really a trail, but a cable made of the same strange substance. It’s sticky enough that my glove almost comes off my hand on contact.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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Poison In Our Blood [The Flash/Arrow/Amazing Spider-Man AU]Where stories live. Discover now