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Dragging you into my hell


The feel of the damp room was something he never wanted to go through. But, through the years it had become a well known place to him. Multiple visits, dealing with famous criminals, making them talk by taking into remands- in all these he had visited this small damp room with malodorous smell many times. But strangely the dampness had never made its presence so strong until he was the one caged into it.

Caged! From his small bench like bed attached to one corner of the tiny room he looked up at the bars which had been caging him. He could feel his own angry eyes burning. Then, he sighed, chuckling - as if mocking himself. It's not the first time. Heck, its not even so rare. He kept coming here, willingly or unwillingly, planned or unplanned. Nevertheless, he never enjoyed it being here. The dampness was the reason - he liked to blame it. Blaming the other reasons hurt, and at some corner of his heart it felt guilt. So let the dampness beared all the blames.

He didn't mind the darkness though. He was habituated to it. Throughout the years he had been in dark. Those years of his memory loss when he was trying to find an identity of himself, he was leaving in darks. The nightmares got better eventually but they never left completely. With some people entering into his live things got comfortable but by that time he had learnt to live in darkness. And now, even after years, when he need to find solace he found it in dark mostly.

Its almost dark outside. He had been there from morning. The morning had started peaceful though, just like other days. Although his mornings from last 6 months were different than other times. Those 6 months' morning were best kind of morning for him. When he left his home this morning he never knew he would end up behind the bars. Reason? Those fabricated cases on him of course. He knew he would be out in no time. He was innocent and its gonna be proved. He's gonna be back in his routine once again. Yes, those ego, hesitation and determinations to keep himself away from others would be there but like always, he would fond them disappearing slowly, or even faster than any other times. It kept happening like this from years now.

"I'm senior inspector Abhijeet's lawyer."

With his name being mentioned he came out from his trance and standing up, he slowly moved forward. He discovered the man in black talking with the inspector in charge of that police station. He sighed. So, he's gonna be out of this dampness. For a while he thought he had to spend the night there.

Suddenly it stroke his mind whom did the lawyer accompany to the station? His eyes automatically looked towards the enterance and yes, there she was, almost running, towards the police desk. It took her a couple of moments to settle her eyes on him and by that time he was done with inspecting her. The read colour shirt and faded blue jeans in which she left the house this morning had lost their freshness in chores and runs in and out of the court. The tiredness of her body and the stress on her face never gone unnoticed by him anyways. Her eyes were so dull and bored untill they found him. And the moments their eyes met they got soothed. Her lips didn't twitch but her eyes, they sparkled. Her eyes always speak ahead of her lips. He could guess her next move always by looking into the beautiful pair of orbs.

She reached near him and her left hand automatically rested on his right hand which was holding the bar.

That touch.

That feel.

That promise of never leaving his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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