Growing Poké Balls

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon universe, which is trademarked by The Pokémon Company. I do not claim ownership over any of the characters or settings and make no money from publishing this story.

WARNING: This work of fiction is Rated MA and only suitable for mature audiences. It may contain explicit language, adult themes and graphic descriptions of a violent and/or sexual nature.

Growing Poké Balls

by j.j. scriptease

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As Ash unzipped his jeans behind the bushes, a distant trickle of water reached his ears. He froze, startled. Was there someone nearby? The whole point of sneaking off to relieve himself was to avoid the embarrassment of being seen. Apparently he hadn't scouted the area well enough if someone was playing with water on the other side of the shrubbery.

Wait a minute... water? In Petalburg Woods?

Ash must've cut through this route a dozen times and had never seen a waterfall or anything of the like. Granted, he'd always been in more of a hurry than an exploratory jaunt. There was plenty about Petalburg Woods he didn't know. If it really was a waterfall, Trainers could be loitering nearby and he wasn't about to risk being spotted.

He zipped his pants back up. Before skulking to another potential peeing spot, he thought to at least investigate the random disturbance. He crawled through the tall shrubbery towards the trickling noises, brushing against leaves and snapping twigs along the way. The sounds of subtle splashes grew louder as he bustled in their direction. He carved a peephole at the edge of the foliage, then suddenly, his eyes grew large and wide.

A hot spring! Who would've thought? But even more shocking was who was in it.

Less than 50 feet away, May's head bobbed on the rocky surface of the water. Facing to the side, she didn't express awareness of his stealthy arrival. Ash was stunned, scandalised, frozen for what felt like hours before his decency kicked in and implored him to crawl back to where he'd come from. He intended to do just that until he spotted familiar red and black garbs hanging on a branch. Her shirt, her shorts, her bandana...

May must've been completely naked in there.

Excitement knocked at the front of his jeans. Ash wasn't the same simple-minded ten-year-old who set off on a pokémon journey over half a decade ago. He'd seen naked girls before. Never May though.

He and the brunette had grown close touring most of the Hoenn region, close enough to be brother and sister, which made Ash feel all the more like a creep. There'd always been something about May he couldn't ignore. His young mind had never quite grasped what that was, but now, seeing her in this light, he contemplated things deeper.

May held the honour of being the first girl to spark his interest in bosoms. One year younger than her scrawny, flat-chested predecessor in Misty, May had walked around with humps in her shirt from the day he met her. Small humps maybe, but noticeable. At that age his intrigue was academic and they'd parted ways long before any sexual prospect tainted his curiosity. Years passed without a single thought about May and her budding breasts. Then they re-united and well... Ash wouldn't be lurking in the bushes if nothing had changed.

He just wanted to see them. Just once, he thought to himself while stalking her from the shrubbery. As soon as her chest poked out of the water, he'd catch a glimpse then beat her back to camp before she realised he was ever gone. Great plan, he decided. Desperate plan.

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