4- Dom vs Hobbs

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Mia shouted. "Cops on the other side of the city, you're not gonna get a better window!"


Dom gathered everyone. "Okay guys, it's showtime. First Team in Position, lets go!"

They all amped up, as Gisele, Leo and Santos took the garbage truck they stole spare vault, Han, Rome, Tej, in the police cars.

Mia and Sidney staying, looking over to the police cars, Brian and Dom are the ones that were taking the vault in their strengthened cars.

"Come on! Let's do this!" Brian said.

Gisele, Leo, Santos, Roman, Han & Tej head out to their positions. Dom, Brian getting ready with Vince. Mia and Sidney are staying. Brian walked to Mia, saying goodbye and Sidney went to hug Dom.

"So, what happens when we finish this Job?" Sidney asked Dom.

"We separate, we buy our freedom." Dom answered.

She smirked until it faded, when suddenly Hobbs car comes into the warehouse.

"COPS!" Vince shouted.

Dom pushed Sidney behind. Sidney, Mia and Brian, make a run towards it, but Hobbs' team finds them, grabbing the three and dragged them to the warehouse back, as they saw Dom and Hobbs fighting.

Sidney ran forward, but Hobbs' team stopped her and she tried to break free but couldn't. "Stand back, I got this!" Hobbs said, to his team.

"DOM STOP THIS!" Mia shouted.

"DOM, THE HELL!... STOP IT!!" Sidney shouted in frustration and anxiety.

Dom got on top of Hobbs and punched him a thousand times, before he took the wrench and he was about to threw it in Hobbs face but missed.

"DOM!" Sidney yelled.

Dom stood up, looking at Hobbs as he turned his head to see the Mark wrench left. They pointed their gun at Dom as he surrenders
and Sidney had brows furrowed, looking worried.

They were loaded into Hobbs car, handcuffed speeding through Rio. They sat there, just hoping that the other can get away, before they get caught.

Hobbs' phone rings, and picked up. "Yeah... we're coming now... tell the mashers to meet us at the airport." Hobbs said, as he hung up and shouted. "AMBUSH!"

A rocket launch at the car, in front of them sending it into the air flipping over, flames shooting at them, as people start shooting at their car and they crashed into the other car.

"Wilkes suppressing fire, shut them down!" Hobbs said through his walkie talkie.

The car that was behind them was being shot at also now, the team jumping out trying to shoot back, but they're getting shot and killed.

"Cover me!" Hobbs told the driver. The driver gets out, but dies directly,by getting shot.
"Watch them!"Hobbs said to the female cop as he got out, joining the fight.

"CUT US LOOSE!" Brian demanded to the female cop.

"COME ON!" Vince shouted.

The female cop looked scared until a rocket hit a car behind them, setting it on fire
and Hobbs got down as another member of Hobbs gets shot. The female cop made a choice and set them free, Reyes people are here for us, but Dom, Brian and Vince grab extra guns taking them out, joining the fight too.

Sidney and Mia stayed at the car and had worked in them but she just got a depression.
As the heard full of shots, she looked out from the window, Reyes people getting killed,
until Sidney saw Vince with blood over his body.

"Vince." She whispered.

"Hey Dom." Dom turns around,noticing Vince"You gotta meet my son..... Nico." He said as Sidney covered her mouth, beginning to cry as Mia leans her head on her shoulder, crying also too.

"I will." Dom promised.

"He's a good kid... You know, we named him after you... Dominic."

"You got my word Vince." Dom sweared.

Hey guys, I know I haven't been acting, homeschooling is flipping with me rn but I'm back now.

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