The Court

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His name was Alfa and he was preparing himself in the bathroom. He was already wearing his costume and did not mis a single detail. His haircut was meticulously groomed. Never ever before was it so important for him. He took his ironed handkerchief and put it in his suit pocket without a fold. He looked at his shoes and they gleamed in the light of the large bathroom. He looked in the mirror and it looked good. He had now just to pin the several medals, lying in order before him. He put them one by one in a way as if it was a holy ritual. Each had a meaning to him, a story to tell and there were seven of them.

It was a banal lawsuit. The court was as good as empty. The accused came in his costume, with the medals on it. He was not a general, not even from the army. If you never have had a talk with him, you would assume he was crazy, the way he looked like in these circumstances. But he was good mannered and seemed at some way even noble. You can feel he had some honour as a man, as a human. He lightened the serious atmosphere with jokes. Neither his advocate, nor the judge understood why he was wearing the medals thought. It was not appropriate in this case.

On the other hand, you had the counterparty. The prosecutor didn't seem bothered. He came without a costume and had only a sweater on. He looked simple and neat. For some reason he looked friendly, even with the accused. they knew each other for a long time now. They had several business affairs together, but Alfa robbed almost all his belongings. His name was Omega.

Before they entered the court, they came to an understanding. The accused would not deny the robbery. That means they would not lose time on it and the persecutor would only ask the stolen goods and not more than that.

The lawsuit began, and the persecutor started his plead through his advocate, Morris. There was a long list of stolen goods, from sport cars, old timers, sculptures, paintings, jewellery, safes etc. The list was so long that it would take several hours to read it all. The judge was afraid that the court would take long, because even if the defence would confess, they could deny some of the stolen goods. For this reason, he asked the defence if they had a document with the things they denied. The advocate of the persecuted, Jonas, responded: 'my client confess that all of this is true'.

The judge frowns his eyebrows, this was unexpected. He was surprised, not only by the long list of stolen goods but even more by the total confession. That is why he asked next: 'And what is in your defence? Do you have some claims, conditions or perhaps something to ad?

Judge: 'Is it proved that this man was the culprit?'

Persecutor: 'Yes and they accepted the proof as being truthful.

Judge: 'Is it true?'

Defence: 'Yes, it is, my client has confessed it all'.

Judge: 'Are there accomplices?'

Defence: 'There are none'.

Judge: 'So what is the problem, why did your client steal this many goods?'

Defence: 'My client stole it to give it as gift.'

The judge frowns his eyebrow once again.

Judge: 'It is forbidden to give stolen goods as gift, don't you think?'

Defence: 'But is it forbidden to receive it?'

Judge: 'Yes of course, but that is not even the issue here. To whom did mister Alfa, that is his name, no?

The judge looked at them while holding the document.

Lawyer Jonas: Yes.

Judge: To whom did he give the goods?'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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